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如何使用$ routeProvider在Angular中更改页面标题

[英]How to change page title in Angular using $routeProvider

I found several similar questions, however none of the answers helped . 我发现了几个类似的问题, 但没有一个答案有帮助 They all seem to involve some type of $location dependencies that I'm unable to get injected right. 它们似乎都涉及某些类型的$location依赖项,我无法正确注入。

My code below: 我的代码如下:

(function() {

    // App dependencies
    var app = angular.module('portalExchange',

    // [ Main Controller ] : PortalController
    app.controller('PortalController', function($scope) {
        if ($('.top_link_dashboard').hasClass('unactive_top')) {

    // Controller for Dashboard
    app.controller('DashboardController', function() {

    // Controller for Developers
    app.controller('DevelopersController', function($scope) {
        // Page.setTitle('Developers');

    // Controller for Quote
    app.controller('QuoteController', function($scope) {
        // Page.setTitle('Begin Quote');

    // Directive for Header
    app.directive('appHeader', function () {
        // Type of Directive, E for element, A for Attribute
        // url of a template
        return {
            restrict: 'E',
            templateUrl: 'templates/modules/globals/app-header.html'

    // Directive for Footer
    app.directive('appFooter', function () {
        return {
            restrict: 'E',
            templateUrl: 'templates/modules/globals/app-footer.html',
            controller: function(){
                this.date = Date.now();

    // configure our routes
    app.config(function($routeProvider) {

        // route for the dashboard page
        .when('/', {
            templateUrl : 'templates/sections/app-dashboard.html',
            controller  : 'DashboardController'

        // route for the dashboard page
        .when('/dashboard', {
            title : 'My Dashboard',
            templateUrl : 'templates/sections/app-dashboard.html',
            controller  : 'DashboardController'

        // route : Developers Page
        .when('/developers', {
            title : 'For Developers',
            templateUrl : 'templates/sections/app-developers.html',
            controller  : 'DevelopersController'

        // route : Begin Quote
        .when('/quote', {
            title : 'Begin Quote',
            templateUrl : 'templates/sections/app-quote.html',
            controller  : 'QuoteController'

    app.run(['$rootScope', '$route', function($rootScope) {
        $rootScope.$on('$routeChangeSuccess', function(newVal, oldVal) {
            if (oldVal !== newVal) {
                document.title = $route.current.title;


The RUN function 运行功能

app.run(['$rootScope', '$route', function($rootScope) {
    $rootScope.$on('$routeChangeSuccess', function(newVal, oldVal) {
        if (oldVal !== newVal) {
            document.title = $route.current.title;


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" ng-app="portalExchange" ng-controller="PortalController as portal">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title ng-bind="title">myApp</title>

The way I do it is quite simple. 我这样做很简单。 In route configuration you define title : 在路线配置中,您定义title

.when('/dashboard', {
    title : 'My Dashboard',
    templateUrl : 'templates/sections/app-dashboard.html',
    controller  : 'DashboardController'

then you listen $routeChangeSuccess event and just set document.title . 然后你听$routeChangeSuccess事件,只需设置document.title In application run block (the best place for this): 在应用程序运行块(最好的地方):

app.run(['$rootScope', '$route', function($rootScope, $route) {
    $rootScope.$on('$routeChangeSuccess', function() {
        document.title = $route.current.title;

The benefit of this approach is that it allows you to avoid one more binding ng-bind="title" , which is good. 这种方法的好处是它允许你避免一个更多的绑定ng-bind="title" ,这是好的。

This is another way 这是另一种方式

app.run(['$rootScope', function($rootScope) {
    $rootScope.$on('$routeChangeSuccess', function(_, current) {
        document.title = current.$$route.title;

Because sometimes $route injection causes problem (for example, in running unit tests). 因为有时$ route注入会导致问题(例如,在运行单元测试中)。

This is a little of topic, but I was trying to manage the page title in an angular application that uses ui-router and I ran into a couple of issues. 这是一个主题,但我试图在使用ui-router的角度应用程序中管理页面标题,我遇到了几个问题。 First, of course, I had to change route and $routeChangeSuccess to $state and $stateChangeSuccess and second, I had an issue with the page title getting updated before the browser could add the previous page title to the history, so I had to add a timeout to the event handler resulting the following code: 首先,当然,我必须将route$routeChangeSuccess更改为$state$stateChangeSuccess ,其次,我有一个问题,页面标题在浏览器可以将上一页标题添加到历史记录之前更新,所以我不得不添加事件处理程序超时导致以下代码:


appRunFunction.$inject = ['$rootScope', '$state', '$timeout'];

function appRunFunction($rootScope, $state, $timeout) {
    $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess', function() {
        $timeout(function() { document.title = $state.current.title; }, 100);

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