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[英]How can I read my emails with clojure?

I want to parse messages from my IMAP inbox with clojure. 我想用clojure解析来自我的IMAP收件箱的邮件。

I know there is clojure-mail library, but I do not have a gmail account. 我知道有clojure邮件库,但我没有Gmail帐户。 Thanks! 谢谢!

The Apache Commons IMAP client library is a reasonable choice. Apache Commons IMAP客户端库是一个合理的选择。 The core of their example program is trivially replicated in well under 20 lines of Clojure, if one doesn't bother with failure handling: 他们的示例程序的核心很容易在20行以下的Clojure中复制,如果一个人不打扰故障处理:

(ns mail-client.core
  (:import [org.apache.commons.net PrintCommandListener]
            [org.apache.commons.net.imap IMAPClient]))

(defn get-mail [server username password]
  (doto (IMAPClient.)
    (.setDefaultTimeout 60000)
    (.addProtocolCommandListener (PrintCommandListener. System/out true))
    (.connect server)
    (.login username password)
    (.setSoTimeout 6000)
    (.select "inbox")
    (.examine "inbox")
    (.status "inbox" (into-array String ["MESSAGES"]))

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