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如何使用react-rails gem预渲染命名空间的反应组件?

[英]How do I prerender a namespaced react component using the react-rails gem?

(Note: I'm using the 'therubyracer', 'react-rails', and 'sprockets-coffee-react' gems) (注意:我正在使用'therubyracer','react-rails'和'sprockets-coffee-react'宝石)

This is the code for my simple component (Hello.js.cjsx): 这是我的简单组件(Hello.js.cjsx)的代码:

# @cjsx React.DOM

Hello = React.createClass(
  render: ->
      Hello {@props.name || "World"}!

window.components ?= {}
window.components.Hello = Hello

In my rails view (index.html.erb) this works just fine: 在我的rails视图(index.html.erb)中,这很好用:

<%= render_component('components.Hello', {name: 'Jack'}) %>

However, when I try this: 但是,当我尝试这个:

<%= react_component('components.Hello', {name: 'Jill'}, {prerender: true}) %>

I get this error: 我收到此错误:

Encountered error "ReferenceError: components is not defined"

which seems odd because I'm defining it in my component. 这看起来很奇怪,因为我在我的组件中定义它。

What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么?

The problem is that for anything rendered with render_component it's required that the component is registered with the global window object. 问题是,对于使用render_component渲染的任何内容,需要使用全局window对象注册该组件。 This is kind of not ideal but just how it works for the time being. 这有点不理想,但它暂时如何运作。

This is what I've been doing. 这就是我一直在做的事情。 Not ideal, but helps. 不理想,但有帮助。

components /
    namespace /

Then doing this in my file: 然后在我的文件中执行此操作:

# components/namespace/MyComponent.js.jsx

window.NamespaceMyComponent = React.createClass({});

module.exports = window.NamespaceMyComponent;

This last part allows me to use browserify and require my module like this: 最后一部分允许我使用browserify并要求我的模块如下:


and using the render_component helper like this: 并像这样使用render_component助手:

<%= render_component "NamespaceMyComponent", {}, {prerender: true} %>

I'm not sure about the syntax you used. 我不确定你使用的语法。 Please, replace the lines : 请更换线路:

window.components ?= {}
window.components.Hello = Hello


window.Hello = Hello

(You can follow this link for further examples). (您可以按照此链接获取更多示例)。

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