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[英]Prevent click event on parent element when image clicked

I am trying to stop a second piece of JS running as a result of the click event propagating to the parent element but I am stuck. 由于试图传播到父元素的click事件,我试图停止运行第二个JS,但是我被卡住了。

I have the following HTML for rows in a table: 我对表中的行有以下HTML:

<tr id="DEMO01-P" role="row" class="odd">
   <td><img id="DEMO1" src="../imagedir/edit.png" onclick="Edit(this.id);">Info here</td>
   <td>And here</td>

I have a click event on the tr like this: 我在tr上有一个click事件, like所示:

  jQuery('#system-tbl tbody').on('click', 'tr', function () {
    var self = jQuery(this);
    if ( self.hasClass('selected') ) {
    } else {
    DO STUFF....

I also do something else if the user clicks on the img inside the tr using onclick="Edit(this.id);" 如果用户使用onclick="Edit(this.id);"在tr内单击img我也会做其他事情onclick="Edit(this.id);" :

function Edit(system_id) {
    alert("Edit: " + system_id);
    window.location.href = "/go-to-page/";

How do I stop the tr event in the call to Edit(this.id); 如何在调用Edit(this.id);停止tr事件Edit(this.id); ? Thanks!! 谢谢!!

Use 采用

<td><img id="DEMO1" src="../imagedir/edit.png" onclick="Edit(event,this.id);">Info here</td>


function Edit(e,system_id) {

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