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[英]parse form (POST) data to create a multidimensional hash

I have a form which is used to submit data about multiple people. 我有一个用于提交有关多个人的数据的表格。 There are multiple properties for each person, and I'm grouping them like the following: 每个人都有多个属性,我将它们分组如下:

<input type=hidden name="person1[firstname]" value='Sam'/>
<input type=hidden name="person1[lastname]" value='Higgins'/>

<input type=hidden name="person2[firstname]" value='Jiminy'/>
<input type=hidden name="person2[lastname]" value='Cricket'/>


When I do the following: 当我执行以下操作时:

my %hash = params;
die Dumper \%hash;

I get: 我得到:

VAR1 = {
          'person1[firstname]' => 'Sam',
          'person1[lastname]' => 'Higgins',
          'person2[firstname]' => 'Jiminy',
          'person2[lastname]' => 'Cricket',

When I was expecting something like: 当我期待类似的东西:

VAR1 = {
          'person1' => { firstname => 'Sam', lastname => 'Higgens' },
          'person2' => { firstname => 'Jiminy', lastname => 'Cricket' },

Is there a way to get the above, or am I doing it wrong in my HTML? 有没有办法做到以上几点,或者我在HTML中做错了吗?

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I've also tried with empty brackets at the end: 我也尝试在最后用空括号括起来:

<input type=hidden name="person1[firstname][]" value='Sam'/>

but that just gave: 但这只是给了:

'person1[firstname][]' => 'Sam',
use Data::Dumper;
my $orginal = {
          'person1[firstname]' => 'Sam',
          'person1[lastname]' => 'Higgins',
          'person2[firstname]' => 'Jiminy',
          'person2[lastname]' => 'Cricket',

my $result = {};
foreach my $key (keys %$orginal)
    $value = $orginal->{$key};
     $key =~ m/^(.*)\[(.*)\]$/;

     #$1 = for example person1
     #$2 = forexample firstname
     $result->{$1}->{$2} = $value;


print Dumper($result);

# $VAR1 = {
#           'person1' => {
#                          'firstname' => 'Sam',
#                          'lastname' => 'Higgins'
#                        },
#           'person2' => {
#                          'firstname' => 'Jiminy',
#                          'lastname' => 'Cricket'
#                        }
#         };

To answer the question more wholly than providing a link: 要比提供链接更完整地回答问题:

I went with a solution that uses jQuery, specifically using a plugin ( https://github.com/marioizquierdo/jquery.serializeJSON ), to send the data asynchronously (AJAX) and using Dancers from_json method which creates a hashref of the JSON string . 我提供了一个使用jQuery的解决方案,特别是使用了一个插件( https://github.com/marioizquierdo/jquery.serializeJSON ),以异步方式(AJAX)发送数据,并使用了Dancers from_json方法,该方法创建了JSON 字符串的hashref 。

I emphasise string because the function offered by the serializeJSON plugin creates a JSON object, and this Dancer does not convert to the proper structure. 我强调字符串是因为serializeJSON插件提供的功能会创建一个JSON对象,并且该Dancer不会转换为正确的结构。 Therefore you need to use JSON.stringify() to create a json string, which Dancer does accept :) 因此,您需要使用JSON.stringify()创建一个JSON字符串,Dancer会接受:)

Below is the code: 下面是代码:

Example HTML: HTML示例:

<input type=hidden name="person1[firstname]" value='Sam'/>
<input type=hidden name="person1[lastname]" value='Higgins'/>

JS (jQuery): JS(jQuery):

var formData = $(this).serializeJSON();
     'url': '/your_url',
     'type': 'POST',
     'data': JSON.stringify(formData),
     'success': function(res){

Perl (Dancer): Perl(Dancer):

post '/your_url' => sub {
    my $json = request->body;
    use Data::Dumper;
    my $hashref = {};
    $hashref = from_json($json);
    die Dumper \$hashref->{person1}->{name}; # 'Sam'

Thanks to all who helped! 感谢所有的帮助!

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