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Haskell monads和do语句

[英]Haskell monads and the do statement

I'm new to monads and its use and the following structure using the do-statement had me quite confused: 我是monads的新手,它的使用以及使用do语句的以下结构使我非常困惑:

pairs xs ys = do x <- xs
                 y <- ys
                 return (x, y)

I was told this should return all possible pairs of x and y, which I do not understand because I was earlier taught that the following code: 有人告诉我这应该返回x和y的所有可能的对,我不明白,因为我之前被告知以下代码:

eval (Val n) = Just n
eval (Div x y) = do n <- eval x
                    m <- eval y
                    safediv n m

means: execute eval x , then keep its result if not equal to Nothing (otherwise return Nothing) as n , then the same for eval y , and then if both are not Nothing it will proceed to the final function safediv that combines both results (and otherwise return Nothing too). 意思是:执行eval x ,然后如果不等于Nothing (否则返回Nothing)为n ,则保持其结果,然后对eval y保持相同,然后如果两者都不为Nothing ,它将继续执行将两个结果safediv的最终函数safediv (否则返回Nothing )。

However the 1st use of the do-statement in the function pairs works totally different? 但是在函数pairs第一次使用do语句的工作原理完全不同吗?

If someone could help me out on this and explain what's the actually proper functionality of the do-statement and its structure, it'd be much appreciated! 如果有人可以帮助我解决这个问题,并解释do语句及其结构的真正适当功能,将不胜感激!

Best regards, Skyfe. 最好的问候,Skyfe。

The do construct works in any monad, and there you are using it in two different monads. do构造可在任何 monad中使用,并且在两个不同的monad中使用它。

In the first case, 在第一种情况下,

pairs xs ys = do x <- xs
                 y <- ys
                 return (x, y)

you are working in the list monad, ie [] . 您正在使用monad列表,即[] You can see that because you use x <- xs and xs is of type [something] . 可以看到,因为使用x <- xs并且xs的类型为[something]

In the second case 在第二种情况下

eval (Val n) = Just n
eval (Div x y) = do n <- eval x
                    m <- eval y
                    safediv n m

you are working in the Maybe monad. 您正在Maybe monad工作。 Indeed, you use y <- eval x and eval returns Maybe something . 确实,您使用y <- eval x并且eval返回Maybe something

Each monad defines its own rules about what <- should mean. 每个monad都定义其有关<-含义的规则。 In the list monad, it roughly means "consider all possible elements", in the Maybe one "take the x in Just x , and fail otherwise". 在列表单子,它大致的意思是“考虑所有可能的因素”,在也许有“拿xJust x ,否则失败。”

Technically, the <- construct within a do is desugared into a call to the >>= operator, which every monad defines independently. 从技术上讲, do<-构造被减为对>>=运算符的调用,每个monad独立定义。

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