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[英]Calling an overridden method in a derived class

Let's suppose we have 3 classes: Person, Student and Worker. 假设我们有3个班级:人,学生和工人。 Student and Worker both are derived from Person. 学生和工人均来自“人”。 I want to make an array of persons, which consists of randomly position Student and Worker instances. 我想组成一个人数组,其中包括随机放置的Student和Worker实例。 There is a method called show() overloaded in both Student and Worker and I want to call that function instead of the Person show() method. 在Student和Worker中都有一个重载的show()方法,我想调用该函数而不是Person的show()方法。 I know how to do by casting the Person object like (Student*) or (Worker*) how could I use that method in array? 我知道如何通过将Person对象转换为(Student *)或(Worker *)来进行操作,如何在数组中使用该方法? Below is some sample code; 下面是一些示例代码;

class Person: 班级人员:

Person::Person() {    
    this->name = new std::string("Gabi");
    this->age = 12;

void Person::show() {   
    std::cout << "Hi my name is " << *(this->name) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "and I am " << this->age << " years old" << std::endl;

class Student: 班级学生:

Student::Student() { 
    this->school = new std::string("ghica");

void Student::show() {

    std::cout << "My school is " << *(this->school) << std::endl;

class Worker: 类工人:

Worker::Worker() {
    this->workplace = new std::string("google");

void Worker::show() { 
    std::cout << "My workplace is " << *(this->workplace) << std::endl;

If I call the show() method this way: 如果我这样调用show()方法:

Person * myperson = new Student("Andrei", 29, "ghica");

the school message will not appear, but if I do this: 学校消息不会出现,但是如果我这样做:

Person * myperson = new Student("Andrei", 29, "ghica");

it does. 是的。 Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?

Declare the show method in the Person class as virtual : Person类中将show方法声明为virtual

class Person
    virtual void show();

Also, even if unrelated to the question, it's often useless to place this-> in front of each member variable use; 而且,即使与问题无关,将this->放在每个成员变量使用的前面也常常没用; in addition, I see you are declaring name and school as pointer to string: in most of cases this is unnecessary and wrong because you are giving up value semantic . 此外,我看到您将nameschool声明为指向字符串的指针:在大多数情况下,这是不必要且错误的,因为您放弃了价值语义

Overriding a method isn't sufficient to have it called via a pointer/reference to the base class. 重写方法不足以通过指向基类的指针/引用来调用它。 You need to make it virtual: 您需要将其虚拟化:

class Person {
  virtual void show() { // Virtual function
      std::cout << "person show";

class Worker : public Person {
  void show() {
      std::cout << "Worker show";

int main() {

    Person obj;
    Worker obj2;

    Person* array[2];
    array[0] = &obj;
    array[1] = &obj2;

    array[0]->show(); // Person
    array[1]->show(); // Worker

   return 0;


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