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[英]Disabling back button in JSP after logging in?

(Disabling back button in JSP after logging in?) (登录后要禁用JSP中的后退按钮吗?)

What does this code mean? 此代码是什么意思? Anyone pls explain this following code.Because, I never studied about this 'response.setHeader' method. 任何人都请解释下面的代码。因为,我从未研究过这种“ response.setHeader”方法。

response.setHeader ("Expires", "0"); //prevents caching at the proxy server

or any other methods are available for disabling back button in JSP after Logging in? 还是有其他方法可用于在登录后禁用JSP中的后退按钮?

If you want to restrict the user to go back then try this small script. 如果要限制用户返回,请尝试使用此小脚本。


Put this code into the <head> element of your page and try to go back. 将此代码放入页面的<head>元素中,然后尝试返回。 For more details click on following link... 有关更多详细信息,请单击以下链接...

How to disable browser back button after logout in JSP? 在JSP中注销后如何禁用浏览器后退按钮?

This code sets response headers. 此代码设置响应头。 Headers is http feature, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_header_fields This code just works this in Java. 标头是http功能, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_header_fields此代码仅在Java中起作用。


window.onbeforeunload = function() { return "You work will be lost."; };

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