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[英]Insert column from another table while matching emails in both tables

I'm trying to insert phone number field from orders table into users table, while matching orders.Email field = users.Email field. 我正在尝试将订单表中的电话号码字段插入到用户表中,同时匹配订单。电子邮件字段= users.Email字段。

This is what I have so far but the WHERE clause is not working: 到目前为止,这是我所需要的,但是WHERE子句不起作用:

INSERT INTO users (Phone)  
SELECT Billing_Phone
  FROM orders
WHERE users.Email = orders.Email

To modify rows, you use UPDATE , not INSERT . 要修改行,请使用UPDATE而不是INSERT

UPDATE users AS u
JOIN orders AS o ON u.Email = o.Email
SET u.Phone = o.Billing_Phone

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