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[英]Java method boolean returning false when it's supposed to be true

I am making this method in one class.我正在一个班级中制作这种方法。 I have doubled checked it and all and it should work accordingly.我已经加倍检查了它,并且它应该相应地工作。 When I run an object in the main method using this method I always get a false return even though it's supposed to be true.当我使用这个方法在 main 方法中运行一个对象时,我总是得到一个错误的返回,即使它应该是真的。

The print statements don't print so I can't check whether the values are being passed in properly and I also tried making the if statement return a true as well and it still returns false!打印语句不打印,因此我无法检查值是否正确传递,我还尝试使 if 语句也返回 true,但它仍然返回 false! It doing my head in as everything is logically correct.它使我的头脑清醒,因为一切在逻辑上都是正确的。

Is there a rule I don't know about where a boolean method will automatically return false if somethings wrong?如果出现问题,是否有我不知道布尔方法将在哪里自动返回 false 的规则?

public boolean addPartsDetails (String newDescription, double newCost) {

  System.out.println("is description empty?: " + newDescription);
  System.out.println("is cost negative?: " + newCost);

  if (newDescription.isEmpty() | newCost < 0) {   
     return false;

  else {
     this.partsCost += cost;
     String newPart = String.format("\t - %s (%.2f) \n", description, cost);
     this.partsList = this.partsList.concat(newPart);
     return true;

In main method:在主要方法中:

 boolean addBool = tempObj.addPartsDetails(partDes, partCost);

    if(addBool) {
       System.out.println("\nPart details recorded sucessfullyfor vehicle \"" +     tempObj.getRegNum() + "\"");
    else {
       System.out.println("\nError - invalid part details supplied!");

I believe you want to use ||我相信你想用 || instead of |而不是 | here:这里:

  if (newDescription.isEmpty() | newCost < 0) {   

change it to将其更改为

  if (newDescription.isEmpty() || newCost < 0) {   

| is used for bitwise OR operation while ||用于按位或运算而|| is used for conditional OR用于条件 OR

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