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Fabric JS:在画布图像中设置XY坐标| 在画布图像中设置位置

[英]Fabric JS: Set X Y Coordinates in Canvas Image | Set Position in Canvas Image

How to set X, Y Coordinates in canvas image? 如何在画布图像中设置X,Y坐标?


eg: sx and sy in HTML canvas drawImage() Method. 例如:HTML canvas中的sx和sy drawImage()方法。

What is similar to this in fabric.js? fabric.js中的相似之处是什么?

How to set position in image in canvas in Fabric js? 如何在Fabric js中设置画布中的位置?


this is in native JS 这是原生JS

  • img Specifies the image, canvas, or video element to use img指定要使用的图像,画布或视频元素
  • sx Optional. sx可选。 The x coordinate where to start clipping x坐标从哪里开始裁剪
  • sy Optional. sy可选。 The y coordinate where to start clipping y坐标从哪里开始裁剪
  • swidth Optional. swidth可选。 The width of the clipped image 剪裁图像的宽度
  • sheight Optional. 高度可选。 The height of the clipped image 剪裁图像的高度
  • x The x coordinate where to place the image on the canvas x x坐标将图像放在画布上的位置
  • y The y coordinate where to place the image on the canvas y y坐标将图像放置在画布上的位置
  • width Optional. width可选。 The width of the image to use (stretch or reduce the image) 要使用的图像宽度(拉伸或缩小图像)
  • height Optional. height可选。 The height of the image to use (stretch or reduce the image) 要使用的图像高度(拉伸或缩小图像)

in fabric: 在面料:

var canvas = new fabric.Canvas('canvas', { selection: false });
    fabric.Image.fromURL("http://timeplusq.com/dakshin/clip03.png", function(obj) {
        width: 294,
        hasControls: false,
        //cornerColor: 'green',cornerSize: 16,transparentCorners: false,
        selection: false,       
        //lockMovement: false,lockMovementY: false,lockMovementX: false,
        //lockUniScaling: false,lockScalingY:false, lockScalingX:false,
        hoverCursor: 'default',
        hasRotatingPoint: false,
        hasBorders: true,borderColor: 'red',borderSize: 2,
        transparentBorder: false,
        height: 294,
        angle: 0,
        cornersize: 10,
        left: 2, 
        top: 2
    canvas.item(0).selectable = false;
    canvas.backgroundColor = 'rgba(0,0,255,0.3)';

JSFIDDLE 的jsfiddle

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