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[英]Check Win32_group membership with powershell

I want to know if a user whom username is delivered is member of a group whom groupname is delivered. 我想知道传递用户名的用户是否是传递组名的组的成员。

$u = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_UserAccount -Filter "Name='$username'"
$g = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Group -Filter "Name='$groupname'"

So I get two object with the property SID. 所以我得到两个具有属性SID的对象。

How can I check that user $u is member of group $g ? 如何检查用户$u是组$g成员?

You can do this with an Associators query ( example ). 您可以使用“ Associators查询( 示例 )来执行此操作。 Which are notoriously slow but do work. 众所周知,它们运行缓慢但确实有效。

$u = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_UserAccount -Filter "Name='user'"
$group = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Group -Filter "Name='group'" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Caption

$u | foreach { 
    $query = “Associators Of {Win32_UserAccount.Domain='” `
    + $_.Domain + “',Name='” + $_.Name `
     + “'} WHERE AssocClass=Win32_GroupUser”    
    $memberOf = Get-WmiObject -Query $query | 
    select -ExpandProperty Caption

    If($memberOf -contains $group){
        Write-Host "$($_.Name) is a member of $group"
    } Else {
        Write-Host "$($_.Name) is not a member of $group"

Get the use you are looking for and group your are checking to see if the user is a member of. 获得所需的用途并将您要检查的分组以查看用户是否是该成员。 While u$ should be only one user it is still a collection with one member. 尽管u$应该只有一个用户,但它仍然是一个成员的集合。 Pipe it into a ForEach-Object and build the Associators query. 将其通过管道ForEach-ObjectForEach-Object并构建Associators查询。 Execute the query and return all the group captions ( domain\\groupname). 执行查询并返回所有组标题(domain \\ groupname)。 Since $memberof is an array we can use -contains to see if the group you are looking for is there. 由于$memberof是一个数组,我们可以使用-contains来查看您要查找的组是否存在。

Alternatively 另外

You could use the AD cmdlets if you have access to them and run the following 如果可以访问AD cmdlet,则可以使用它们并运行以下命令

(Get-ADUser $user -Properties memberof | Select-Object -ExpandProperty memberof) -contains (Get-ADGroup -Identity $group)

The above will return True or False . 上面将返回TrueFalse You can install Ad cmdlets by using import-module activedirectory 您可以使用import-module activedirectory安装Ad cmdlet

Continued Testing 持续测试

OpenLDAP should support this from what I gather and it's much faster then the previous WMI. 我收集的资料表明OpenLDAP应该支持这一点,并且它比以前的WMI快得多。

$search = [adsisearcher]"(&(objectcategory=user)(Name=userFullName))"
$userLDAP = $search.FindOne().Path
$userMembers = ([ADSI]$userLDAP).memberof

$search = [adsisearcher]"(&(objectcategory=group)(Name=groupname))" 
$group = ($search.FindOne().Path) -replace "LDAP://"

$userMembers -contains $group

Sorry as I do not have access to OpenLDAP for testing. 抱歉,我无权访问OpenLDAP进行测试。 Do a search for a user and get the MemberOf as $userMembers . 搜索用户,然后将MemberOf作为$userMembers Then get the group into $group . 然后将组放入$group Needed to remove the LDAP prefix from the string. 需要从字符串中删除LDAP前缀。 Then just do another -Contains again. 然后再做一次-Contains再次-Contains

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