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[英]different appearance on different phones for Android

We are getting ready to release an app, there is a slight difference in appearance on my development phones a Moto X and Galaxy Nexus, and my clients phones. 我们正准备发布一个应用程序,我的开发手机Moto X和Galaxy Nexus和客户手机的外观略有不同。 He has a HTC One S with Android 4.4.4. 他拥有配备Android 4.4.4的HTC OneS。 Are there any websites or tools that I can test the appearance on for different phones? 是否有可以测试其他手机外观的网站或工具? He lives in Brazil and me in Florida, so using his is out. 他住在巴西,而我住在佛罗里达,所以用掉他了。

Are you using Eclipse/ADT as your IDE? 您是否正在使用Eclipse / ADT作为IDE? If so, the layout editor provides different views for a handful of different devices. 如果是这样,则布局编辑器为少数几个不同的设备提供不同的视图。

I am having trouble attaching a screen shot, so I will just explain. 我在附加屏幕快照时遇到了麻烦,所以我只作解释。 In the layout editor, you will see drop-down selectors for (a) Device/Screen Type, (b) Orientation, (c) Application Theme, (d) Android API level. 在布局编辑器中,您将看到(a)设备/屏幕类型,(b)方向,(c)应用程序主题,(d)Android API级别的下拉选择器。 This provide reasonable previews of you layouts. 这样可以为您提供合理的布局预览。

You should use the Android Virtual Device for this. 您应该为此使用Android虚拟设备。 You can use whatever version of android you would like, there are tons of predefined device sizes/resolutions or if none of those suit your needs you could always define your own. 您可以使用任意版本的android,有大量的预定义设备尺寸/分辨率,或者如果这些都不满足您的需求,您可以随时定义自己的尺​​寸。

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