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[英]Uncaught ReferenceError in jquery code compiled from coffeescript

I have the following jquery code (compiled from coffee script). 我有以下jquery代码(从coffee脚本编译)。

(function() {
  $(function() {
    return $.get('/proteins', function(proteins) {});
  $.each(proteins, function(index, protein) {
    return $('#proteins').append($("<li>").text(protein.name));

The coffeescript that generated this code looks like this: 生成此代码的coffeescript如下所示:

$ ->
  $.get '/proteins', (proteins) ->
    $.each proteins, (index, protein) ->
     $('#proteins').append $("<li>").text protein.name

I keep getting a "Uncaught ReferenceError: proteins is not defined" at line 6 of my generated code. 我在生成的代码的第6行中不断收到“ Uncaught ReferenceError:蛋白未定义”。

Am I missing something (very basic) here? 我在这里错过什么(非常基本)吗?

Thanks!! 谢谢!!

There is a tab indenting $.each and spaces elsewhere. 有一个制表符,用于缩进$ .each和其他位置的空格。 Indentation is not correct. 缩进不正确。 Use an editor with coffeescript support. 使用具有coffeescript支持的编辑器。

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