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.NET4.5将组合框绑定到字典问题。 WPF

[英].NET4.5 Binding a Combobox to a Dictionary Issues. WPF

I'm maintaining an internal WPF app which has a ComboBox bound to a Dictionary property in the ViewModel. 我正在维护一个内部WPF应用程序,该应用程序具有绑定到ViewModel中的Dictionary属性的ComboBox。 The app was written in VS2010 targeting .NET4.0 and everything worked fine. 该应用程序是针对NET2010的VS2010编写的,一切正常。

User machines are now auto updating to .NET4.5 & this particular ComboBox is not displaying the values in the UI at runtime. 用户计算机现在自动更新到.NET4.5,并且此特定的ComboBox在运行时未在UI中显示值。 This is the only binding to a Dictionary in the app. 这是应用程序中唯一绑定到Dictionary的绑定。 I've scoured the Output Window in VS2013 but there's no apparent binding errors etc. There is a method which populates the dictionary & all is populated correctly & I've implemented INPC. 我已经在VS2013中对“输出窗口”进行了搜索,但是没有明显的绑定错误等。有一种方法可以填充字典,所有方法均可以正确填充,并且我已经实现了INPC。 Is there some difference in the way .NET4.5 binds to dictionaries? .NET4.5绑定到字典的方式是否有所不同?

Xaml: XAML:

  <ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding Path=ModelArticleTypeCodeToChangeTitleMap, 
                          Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" 
                          Converter={StaticResource invertBoolConverter}}" 
                          IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True" DisplayMemberPath="Value" 
                          SelectedValue="{Binding ModelSelectedArticleTypeCode}" 
                          Text="{Binding ModelEnteredTitle}" />

ViewModel Property: ViewModel属性:

    private Dictionary<string, string> _ModelArticleTypeCodeToTitleMapFilteredByCategory = ModelArticleTypeCodeToTitleMap;
    public Dictionary<string, string> ModelArticleTypeCodeToTitleMapFilteredByCategory
        get { return _ModelArticleTypeCodeToChangeTitleMap; }
            _ModelArticleTypeCodeToChangeTitleMap = value;

Ok, the issue was due to the implementation of INotifyPropertyChanged not working with a static property. 好的,此问题是由于INotifyPropertyChanged的实现不适用于静态属性。 I wrote a static version of the PropertyChanged event and raised the event in the property setter: 我编写了PropertyChanged事件的静态版本,并在属性设置器中引发了该事件:

// INotifyPropertyChanged event for static properties!
public static event EventHandler<PropertyChangedEventArgs> StaticPropertyChanged;

private static void NotifyStaticPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
    if (StaticPropertyChanged != null)
        StaticPropertyChanged(null, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

Property: 属性:

private Dictionary<string, string> _ModelArticleTypeCodeToTitleMapFilteredByCategory = ModelArticleTypeCodeToTitleMap;
public Dictionary<string, string> ModelArticleTypeCodeToTitleMapFilteredByCategory
    get { return _ModelArticleTypeCodeToChangeTitleMap; }
        _ModelArticleTypeCodeToChangeTitleMap = value;             

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