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使用Angular ui-router基于状态参数加载控制器

[英]Load Controller based on state params using Angular ui-router

I am trying to load a controller based on a stateparam to make it reusable 我正在尝试加载基于stateparam的控制器,以使其可重用

.state("dashboard.item.detail", {
    url: "/detailId/:detailId/detailName/:detailName",
    views: {
       'main@': {
            templateUrl: function ($stateParams){
                //move this to a util function later
                var tempName = unescape($stateParams.detailName);
                tempName = tempName.replace(/\s/g, "-");
                return '../partials/slides/' + tempName + '.html';
            resolve: {
                DetailData: ['DetailService', function(DetailService){
                    return DetailService.getDetails();
            controller: function ($stateParams) {
                console.log( $stateParams.detailName + 'Ctrl');
                return $stateParams.detailName + 'Ctrl';

Controller 调节器

    .controller('NemtCtrl', ['$scope', '$rootScope', 'DetailData', function ($scope, $rootScope, detailData) {

The controller will work if I remove the function and just use (console will log detailData) 如果我删除该功能并且只是使用(控制台将记录detailData),控制器将工作

controller: 'NemtCtrl'

But won't work if I do: 但如果我这样做,将不起作用:

controller: function ($stateParams) {
    return 'NemtCtrl';

What am I doing wrong here? 我在这做错了什么? Is there a better way to do this? 有一个更好的方法吗?

What is happening here is that when you write this: 这里发生的是当你写这个:

controller: 'NemtCtrl'

You tell angular to get the controller named 'NemtCtrl'. 你告诉angular获得名为'NemtCtrl'的控制器。 But when you on the other hand write this: 但是当你另一方面写下这个:

   function ($stateParams) {
        return 'NemtCtrl';

you are defining a controller for that state. 你正在为那个州定义一个控制器。

Update 更新

According to the ui-router docs the way to do is as follows: 根据ui-router文档,方法如下:

$stateProvider.state('contacts', {
  template: ...,
  controllerProvider: function($stateParams) {
      var ctrlName = $stateParams.type + "Controller";
      return ctrlName;

You can read more about it here 你可以在这里阅读更多相关信息

Update 2 更新2

For your case it would be something like: 对于你的情况,它将是这样的:

.state("dashboard.item.detail", {
  url: "/detailId/:detailId/detailName/:detailName",
  views: {

    'main@': {
        function ($stateParams){
          //move this to a util function later
          var tempName = unescape($stateParams.detailName);
          tempName = tempName.replace(/\s/g, "-");

          return '../partials/slides/' + tempName + '.html';
      resolve: {
        DetailData: ['DetailService',
            return DetailService.getDetails();
      controllerProvider: //Change to controllerProvider instead of controller
        function ($stateParams) {
          //console.log( $stateParams.detailName + 'Ctrl');
          return $stateParams.detailName + 'Ctrl';



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