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如何“ nohup”命令并记录“ time”的输出

[英]How can I 'nohup' a command and log the output of 'time'

I want to time a long running script, and log the output of the time command to a log file, like so: 我想给长时间运行的脚本计时,并将time命令的输出记录到日志文件中,如下所示:

(time php mylongcommand.php) &> dump

This works, but what if I want to nohup the command so I can check the logs later. 这工作,但如果我想nohup命令,所以我可以稍后检查日志。 The following code does not work: 以下代码不起作用:

nohup (time php mylongcommand.php) &>dump &

Any suggestions? 有什么建议么?

(time php mylongcommand.php) &> dump < /dev/null &

Should also do the trick. 还应该做到这一点。 By redirecting input from /dev/null and using & to put the process into the background, the same effect is obtained as if you used nohup . 通过从/dev/null重定向输入并使用&将进程置于后台,可以获得与使用nohup相同的效果。 You should be able to exit your shell session without any stopped jobs error, and the process will continue to run. 您应该能够退出shell会话而不会出现任何已停止的作业错误,并且该过程将继续运行。


nohup time php mylongcommand.php &> dump &

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