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[英]Initializing a pointer to an array of integers.

I have the following problem: I need to initialize a stuct Number that represents a number, for this it needs to contains its value, amount of divisors and the divisors themself. 我有以下问题:我需要初始化一个代表数字的stuct数字,为此它需要包含它的值,除数和自身的除数。 To store the divisors I need to use a pointer to an array of integers, and this is where the problem starts. 要存储除数,我需要使用指向整数数组的指针,这就是问题开始的地方。

 typedef struct {
        int value;
        int divisor_amount;
        int (*divisors)[];
    } Number;

Now since I do not know in advance how many divisors my number posseses I cannot give a length to the array. 既然我事先并不知道我的号码拥有多少除数,我就无法给出数组的长度。

In the main function I assign each of these fields a value. 在main函数中,我为每个字段分配一个值。 For the first two variables this is no problem. 对于前两个变量,这没有问题。

Number six;
six.value = 6;
six.divisor_amount = 3;

Now for the pointer I do not really know how to initialize it. 现在对于指针我真的不知道如何初始化它。 During class it was told to do this as: 在课堂上,它被告知这样做:

six.divisors[0] = 1;
six.divisors[1] = 2;
six.divisors[2] = 3;

but then I get this erroy from the compiler: 但后来我从编译器中得到了这个错误:

[Error] invalid use of array with unspecified bounds [错误]无效使用带有未指定边界的数组

So I thought maybe I needed to assign some space and tried: 所以我想也许我需要分配一些空间并尝试:

six.divisors = malloc(six.divisor_amount*sizeof(int));

But that gives me just another error: 但这给了我另一个错误:

[Warning] assignment from incompatible pointer type [enabled by default] [警告]从不兼容的指针类型分配[默认启用]

int (*divisors)[];

is wrong this is a pointer to array of int . 这是错误的,这是指向int数组的指针。

use 采用

int *divisors;

with this your malloc allocation should work. 有了这个你的malloc分配应该工作。

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