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[英]Merge sort stops running

So my problem is, when I try to run my merge sort algorithm, it writes the random array on screen but when it tries to write the sorted array, the program stops working. 所以我的问题是,当我尝试运行合并排序算法时,它会在屏幕上写入随机数组,但是当尝试写入已排序的数组时,程序将停止工作。 I've been trying find my error but no hope so far. 我一直在尝试找到我的错误,但到目前为止没有希望。 Appreciate any help. 感谢任何帮助。

Here is my code; 这是我的代码;

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define LEN 300
#define INF 30000

void merge (int *A, int p, int q, int r){
     int i, j, k, n1 , n2 , *L, *R;

     n1 = q - p + 1;
     n2 = r - q;
     L = (int *) malloc (n1* sizeof (int ) + 1);
     R = (int *) malloc (n2* sizeof (int )) ;
     for (i = 0; i < n1; i++) {
         L[i] = A[p + i];
     for (j = 0; j < n2; j++) {
         R[j] = A[q + 1 + j];
     i = j = 0;
     L[n1] = R[n2] = INF ;

     for (k = p; k < r; k++) {
         if(L[i] <= R[j]){
                 A[k] = L[i];
                 i ++;
              A[k] = R[j];
              j ++;

void mergesort (int *A, int p, int r){
     int q;
     if(r > (p + 1)){
          q = (p + r)/2;
          mergesort(A, p, q);
          mergesort(A, q + 1, r);
          merge(A, p, q, r);

void sorting_merge(int *A, int n){
     mergesort (A, 0, LEN);

int main (){
    int i, *n;
    n = malloc ( sizeof (int )*LEN );
    srand (666) ;
    for (i = 0; i < LEN ; i++) {
        n[i] = rand() % 1000;
        printf ("%d ", n[i]);
    printf ("\n");

    sorting_merge(n, LEN);
    for (i = 0; i < LEN ; i++) {
        printf ("%d ", n[i]);
    printf ("\n");
    free (n);

    return 1;

L[n1] = R[n2] = INF ; accesses beyond the allocated memory. 访问超出分配的内存。 Your allocation should read 您的分配应显示为

L = malloc((n1 + 1) * sizeof (int));
R = malloc((n2 + 1) * sizeof (int));

if you really want to access index n1 and n2 . 如果您确实要访问索引n1n2

I haven't checked anything else, that was the first thing that sprang in my eyes. 我什么都没检查,那是我眼中闪现的第一件事。

change to 改成

L = (int *) malloc((n1+1)* sizeof(int));
R = (int *) malloc((n2+1)* sizeof(int));

for (k = p; k <= r; k++) {//include r

if(r > p){

void sorting_merge(int *A, int n){//call sorting_merge(n, LEN); note LEN is out range
    mergesort (A, 0, n-1);

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