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[英]Python list in list undo

I'm making a program that will do some operations like add, insert, pop on a list of numbers. 我正在制作一个程序,该程序将执行一些操作,例如加,插入,弹出数字列表。 I have to also make an "undo" function and for that I thought about making a list in list to save up my list every step of the way but my tests are not working. 我还必须做一个“撤消”功能,为此,我考虑在列表中创建一个列表以保存列表的每一步,但是我的测试无法正常工作。 Here's the code: 这是代码:

def backup(l):

<-- here I save the list every step of the way by calling this function <-在这里,我通过调用此函数来保存列表的每一步

> def undo(l):
>     l=lbackup[len(lbackup)-1] # here I give my list the previous list
>     del lbackup[len(lbackup)-1]  # here I delete the sublist from the history

My test: 我的测试:

def testUndo():
    add(lista, 1)
    add(lista, 2)

So I checked the inside of the Undo function and it's working! 因此,我检查了“撤消”功能的内部,它正在起作用! It actually changed the value of my list to what I wanted but once it left the function and got to the print after undo in the test... it had the same values again. 它实际上将列表的值更改为我想要的值,但是一旦它离开该函数并在测试中撤消后立即打印出来,它又具有相同的值。 I know lists are mutable and that might be a problem but is there anything I could do? 我知道列表是可变的,这可能是个问题,但是我能做些什么吗? Sorry if I wasnt clean enough. 对不起,如果我不够干净。

When you call, say, undo(lista) , the l inside of undo may be the same list as lista , but assigning to l does not change lista . 当您调用undo(lista)undo内部的l可能与lista相同,但分配给l不会改变lista If instead you had undo return l , and assign the value returned by undo back to list , that would make the change you seem to want. 相反,如果你不得不undo回报l ,并指定返回的值undo回到list ,这将使你似乎想改变。

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