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[英]How do I start a Storyboard in a Data Template in a Content Control in a User Control from codebehind?

PHEW. 唷。

I'm serious. 我是认真的。 I'll spell it out as follows... 我将拼写如下......

The Storyboard has a Key "myStoryboard". 故事板有一个键“myStoryboard”。 It's held in a DataTemplate with a key "myDataTemplate". 它保存在一个带有键“myDataTemplate”的DataTemplate中。

This data template is used in a ContentControl with the name "myContentControl" by this tag: 此数据模板在ContentControl中使用,此标记名称为“myContentControl”:

<ContentControl Name="myContentControl" 
    ContentTemplate="{DynamicResource myDataTemplate}"/> 

The content control is used in my UserControl. 内容控件在我的UserControl中使用。 In the UserControl codebehind I've made a keyboard gesture that supposed to start "myStoryBoard" but i'm having no such luck getting to it. 在UserControl代码隐藏中,我做了一个键盘手势,应该启动“myStoryBoard”,但我没有这样的运气。

private void StartSB(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e) 
  Storyboard sb = (Storyboard) this.TryFindResource("myStoryboard"); 

sb is always null here. sb在这里总是为空。 How can i get the Storyboard? 我怎样才能获得故事板?


so playing with TryFindResource() I've managed to get to myDataTemplate 所以玩TryFindResource()我已经设法进入myDataTemplate

private void StartSB(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e) 
  object sb = this.myContentControl.TryFindResource("myDataTemplate");  

in the Locals viewer I can see sb is myDataTemplate. 在Locals查看器中,我可以看到sb是myDataTemplate。 I can see in the tree sb.base.Resources.Keys which is an array of resources in which "myStoryboard" is inside. 我可以在树中看到sb.base.Resources.Keys,这是一个“myStoryboard”所在的资源数组。 Oh so close! 哦,这么近!


More code complete here. 这里有更多代码。 I realize now this may be too spaghettified to explain with words. 我现在意识到,用文字解释这可能太过分了。

<UserControl > 
            <ResourceDictionary Source="Resources\myUCResources.xaml" />
  <ContentControl Name="myContentControl"  
           ContentTemplate="{DynamicResource myDataTemplate}" 
               Content="{Binding}" /> 

now the codebehind for this User control 现在这个用户控件的代码隐藏

namespace myclass 
  public partial class myUserControl: UserControl,  System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged 
      public myUserControl() 

         <!--setup keybinding--> 

      public void KeyBindExecuted(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e) 
         Object sb = this.myContentControl.TryFindResource("myDataTemplate");  
         //sb returns the DataTemplate 


And finally the resource dictionary containing the UI stuff and the animation I ultimately want to trigger. 最后是包含UI内容和我最终想要触发的动画的资源字典。 (myUCResources.xaml) (myUCResources.xaml)

    <DataTemplate x:Key="myDataTemplate" > 
           <!-- elements like buttons --> 
            <Storyboard x:Key="myStoryBoard"> 
                     <!-- animation stuff--> 

            <EventTrigger SourceName="aButton" RoutedEvent="Button.Click">
                  <BeginStoryboard Storyboard="{StaticResource myStoryBoard}" />

Update 3: 更新3:

ok different approach. 确定不同的方法。 Can I use the EventTrigger in the DataTemplate from the codebehind to start the animation? 我可以从代码隐藏中使用DataTemplate中的EventTrigger来启动动画吗?

AH HAH! 啊哈哈!

So I found a roundabout way to solving this. 所以我找到了解决这个问题的迂回方式。 My third update where I entertained the thought of just firing an event seemed more fruitful. 我的第三次更新,我接受了发射事件的想法似乎更有成效。 All can be found here. 所有都可以在这里找到。

http://www.codeproject.com/script/Forums/View.aspx?fid=1004114&msg=2827455 http://www.codeproject.com/script/Forums/View.aspx?fid=1004114&msg=2827455

In a nutshell I used FindResource to get the DataTemplate, then FindName of the button in the DataTemplate used to normally trigger the animation. 简而言之,我使用FindResource获取DataTemplate,然后使用DataTemplate中的按钮的FindName来正常触发动画。 Then I raised a button click on that button. 然后我按下了那个按钮的按钮。

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