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未使用Xcode 6.1设置Swift可选变量

[英]Swift optional variable not set using Xcode 6.1

I'm trying to build my first Swift application. 我正在尝试构建我的第一个Swift应用程序。 In this application I'm looping over an KML file that contains information about some restaurant and for each one of them I'm trying to build a Place object with the available information, compare a distance and keep the Place which is the closest to a given point. 在此应用程序中,我正在遍历一个KML文件,该文件包含有关某个餐厅的信息,对于每个餐厅,我都试图用可用的信息构建一个Place对象,比较一个距离并保持与该餐厅最近的Place给定点。

Here is my Place model, a very simple model (Place.swift): 这是我的Place模型,一个非常简单的模型(Place.swift):

import Foundation
import MapKit

class Place {

    var name:String
    var description:String? = nil
    var location:CLLocationCoordinate2D = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude:0, longitude:0)

    init(name: String, description: String?, latitude: Double, longitude: Double)
        self.name = name
        self.description = description
        self.location = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: latitude, longitude: longitude)

    func getDistance(point: CLLocationCoordinate2D) -> Float
        return Geo.distance(point, coordTo: self.location)

and here is the part of the application that is looping over the items from the KML file. 这是应用程序的一部分,它遍历KML文件中的项目。

NSURLConnection.sendAsynchronousRequest(request, queue: NSOperationQueue.mainQueue()) {(response, data, error) in
    let xml = SWXMLHash.parse(data);

    var minDistance:Float = Float(UInt64.max)
    var closestPlace:Place? = nil
    var place:Place? = nil

    for placemark in xml["kml"]["Document"]["Folder"]["Placemark"] {

        var coord = placemark["Point"]["coordinates"].element?.text?.componentsSeparatedByString(",")

        // Create a place object if the place has a name
        if let placeName = placemark["name"].element?.text {

            NSLog("Place name defined, object created")

            // Overwrite the place variable with a new object                
            place = Place(name: placeName, description: placemark["description"].element?.text, latitude: (coord![1] as NSString).doubleValue, longitude: (coord![0] as NSString).doubleValue)

            var distance = place!.getDistance(self.middlePosition)

            if distance < minDistance {
                minDistance = distance
                closestPlace = place
            } else {
                NSLog("Place name could not be found, skipped")

I added breakpoints in this script, when the distance is calculated. 在计算距离时,我在此脚本中添加了断点。 The value of the place variable is nil and I don't understand why. place变量的值为nil,我不明白为什么。 If I replace this line: 如果我替换此行:

place = Place(name: placeName, description: placemark["description"].element?.text, latitude: (coord![1] as NSString).doubleValue, longitude: (coord![0] as NSString).doubleValue)

by this line: 通过这一行:

let place = Place(name: placeName, description: placemark["description"].element?.text, latitude: (coord![1] as NSString).doubleValue, longitude: (coord![0] as NSString).doubleValue)

I can see that my place object is instantiated correctly now but I can't understand why. 我可以看到我的place对象现在已正确实例化,但是我不明白为什么。 Also I have the exact same issue when I tried to save the closest place: 当我尝试保存最近的位置时,我也遇到了完全相同的问题:

closestPlace = place

In the inspector the value of closestPlace is nil even after being set with my place object. 在检查器中,即使在使用我的place对象设置之后, closestPlace的值也为零。

I fixed my issue adding a ! 我解决了添加问题! after the Place object. Place对象之后。 I guess is to tell that I am sure I have an Object in this variable and that is not nil. 我想是要告诉我,我确定我在此变量中有一个Object,并且它不是nil。

if let placeName = placemark["name"].element?.text {

    NSLog("Place name defined, object created")

    // Overwrite the place variable with a new object                
    place = Place(name: placeName, description: placemark["description"].element?.text, latitude: (coord![1] as NSString).doubleValue, longitude: (coord![0] as NSString).doubleValue)

    var distance = place!.getDistance(self.middlePosition)

    if distance < minDistance {
        minDistance = distance
        closestPlace = place!
    } else {
        NSLog("Place name could not be found, skipped")

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