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安装OSX Yosemite后Xcode 4.6.1崩溃

[英]Xcode 4.6.1 crashes after installing OSX Yosemite

i was working with xcode 4.6.1 with OSX Maverick, today i installed OSX Yosimite 10.10 then suddenly xcode keep crashing, i can't even open the XCode. 我正在使用OSX Maverick的xcode 4.6.1,今天我安装了OSX Yosimite 10.10然后突然xcode继续崩溃,我甚至无法打开XCode。

I have pasted the trace log here. 我在这里粘贴了跟踪日志。 any help how to solve this will be grateful. 任何帮助如何解决这个将不胜感激。 Thanks. 谢谢。

Log 日志

Application Specific Information: ProductBuildVersion: 4H512 UNCAUGHT EXCEPTION (NSInternalInconsistencyException): Error getting value for key 'delegateClass' of extension 'Xcode.IDEiPhoneOrganizer.MenuDefinition.Screenshots' in plug-in 'com.apple.dt.IDE.IDEiPhoneSupport' UserInfo: { NSUnderlyingError = "Error Domain=DVTPlugInErrorDomain Code=2 \\"Loading a plug-in failed.\\" UserInfo=0x4031d3980 {DVTPlugInIdentifierErrorKey=com.apple.dt.IDE.IDEiPhoneSupport, DVTPlugInExecutablePathErrorKey=/Volumes/Xcode/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/Library/Xcode/PrivatePlugIns/IDEiPhoneSupport.ideplugin/Contents/MacOS/IDEiPhoneSupport, NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=The plug-in or one of its prerequisite plug-ins may be missing or damaged and may need to be reinstalled., NSLocalizedDescription=Loading a plug-in failed., NSFilePath=/Volumes/Xcode/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/Library/Xcode/PrivatePlugIns/IDEiPhoneSupport.ideplugi 特定于应用程序的信息:ProductBuildVersion:4H512 UNCAUGHT EXCEPTION(NSInternalInconsistencyException):在插件'com.apple.dt.IDE.IDEiPhoneSupport'UserInfo:{中获取扩展名'Xcode.IDEiPhoneOrganizer.MenuDefinition.Screenshots'的键'delegateClass'的值时出错。 NSUnderlyingError =“Error Domain = DVTPlugInErrorDomain Code = 2 \\”加载插件失败。\\“UserInfo = 0x4031d3980 {DVTPlugInIdentifierErrorKey = com.apple.dt.IDE.IDEiPhoneSupport,DVTPlugInExecutablePathErrorKey = / Volumes / Xcode / Xcode.app / Contents /开发人员/平台/ iPhoneOS.platform / Developer / Library / Xcode / PrivatePlugIns / IDEiPhoneSupport.ideplugin / Contents / MacOS / IDEiPhoneSupport,NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion =插件或其中一个必备插件可能丢失或损坏,可能需要重新安装。,NSLocalizedDescription =加载插件失败。,NSFilePath = / Volumes / Xcode / Xcode.app / Contents / Developer / Platforms / iPhoneOS.platform / Developer / Library / Xcode / PrivatePlugIns / IDEiPhoneSupport.ideplugi n, NSLocalizedFailureReason=The plug-in \\U201ccom.apple.dt.IDE.IDEiPhoneSupport\\U201d at path \\U201c/Volumes/Xcode/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/Library/Xcode/PrivatePlugIns/IDEiPhoneSupport.ideplugin\\U201d could not be loaded. n,NSLocalizedFailureReason =插件\\ U201ccom.apple.dt.IDE.IDEiPhoneSupport \\ U201d在path \\ U201c / Volumes / Xcode / Xcode.app / Contents / Developer / Platforms / iPhoneOS.platform / Developer / Library / Xcode / PrivatePlugIns无法加载/IDEiPhoneSupport.ideplugin\\U201d。 The plug-in or one of its prerequisite plug-ins may be missing or damaged., NSUnderlyingError=0x401bb9100 \\"The bundle \\U201cIDEiPhoneSupport\\U201d couldn\\U2019t be loaded because it is damaged or missing necessary resources.\\"}"; } 插件或其中一个必备插件可能会丢失或损坏。,NSUnderlyingError = 0x401bb9100 \\“无法加载软件包\\ U201cIDEiPhoneSupport \\ U201d,因为它已损坏或缺少必要的资源。\\”}“;}

I upgraded to Yosemite and needed Xcode 4.4.1 to maintain a personal project that runs on a 2nd generation iPod touch. 我升级到Yosemite并需要Xcode 4.4.1来维护一个在第二代iPod touch上运行的个人项目。

The best solution I found was to partition my Yosemite drive and install Mavericks and the old version of Xcode on the new partition. 我找到的最佳解决方案是对我的Yosemite驱动器进行分区,并在新分区上安装Mavericks和旧版Xcode。 Note that you'll have to install Mavericks from an external drive or a USB stick. 请注意,您必须从外部驱动器或USB记忆棒安装Mavericks。 I followed these instructions . 我遵循了这些指示

stating the obvious maybe, but have you considered upgrading your xcode? 陈述明显的可能,但你有没有考虑升级你的xcode? or did this error occur during an upgrade attempt? 或者在升级尝试期间是否发生此错误? I'm sure 4.6 was not designed for Yosemite (as xcode 6.x is already out and work well for me under Yosemite) 我确定4.6不是为Yosemite设计的(因为xcode 6.x已经出来并且在Yosemite下工作得很好)

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