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[英]Parsing recursive templates with pyparsing

I'm currently trying to parse recursive templates with pyparsing. 我目前正在尝试使用pyparsing解析递归模板。 A template can look like this: 模板如下所示:

| name=attr1
| description=First attribute.}}

The template has a name (Attribute) and defines some variables (name = attr1, description = First attribute.). 模板有一个名称(属性),并定义了一些变量(名称= attr1,描述=第一个属性。)。 However, there are also templates which can contain zero or more templates: 但是,还有一些模板可以包含零个或多个模板:

| name=MyEnum
| description=Just a test enum.
| example=Not given...
| attributes={{Attribute
| name=attr1
| description=First attribute.}}
| name=attr2
| description=Second attribute.}}}}

To parse these templates I came up with the following: 为了解析这些模板,我提出了以下内容:

template = Forward()
lb = '{{'
rb = '}}'
template_name = Word(alphas)
variable = Word(alphas)
value = CharsNotIn('|{}=') | Group(ZeroOrMore(template))
member = Group(Suppress('|') + variable + Suppress('=') + value)
members = Group(OneOrMore(member))
template << Suppress(lb) + Group(template_name + members) + Suppress(rb)

This works quite well, but it does not allow me to use "|{}=" within a value which is problematic if I want to use them. 这很好用,但是不允许我在一个值中使用“ | {} =”,如果我想使用它们的话。 Eg: 例如:

| name=MyEnum
| description=Just a test enum.
| example=<python>x = 1</python>
| attributes=}}

So, how can I change my code so that it allows these characters, too? 那么,如何更改我的代码,使其也允许这些字符? Unforunately, I have no idea how I can archieve this. 不幸的是,我不知道该如何归档。

I hope someone can give me some tips! 希望有人能给我一些提示!

我找到了想要的东西: https : //github.com/earwig/mwparserfromhell

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