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[英]How to create 2 loops?

I have a csv file with NetworkID and NewFileName field. 我有一个带有NetworkID和NewFileName字段的csv文件。 and I have bunch of files on a fileshare. 我在文件共享上有一堆文件。 The file name under the file share named after domain_networkid_Lthumb.jpg. 以domain_networkid_Lthumb.jpg命名的文件共享下的文件名。

The idea is read each line from csv then find the file using contains (i guess). 这个想法是从csv的每一行读取的,然后使用contains(我猜)找到文件。 If a file is found that at least contains networkid_lthumb then rename this file to NewFileName.jpg. 如果找到至少包含networkid_lthumb的文件,则将此文件重命名为NewFileName.jpg。

What is the best way to do this? 做这个的最好方式是什么? I have following code. 我有以下代码。 and I just want to make it's efficient. 我只是想提高效率。

# Renames file based on CSV
$csvFile = Import-csv 'c:\userdata.csv'
$files = Get-ChildItem "c:\eePics\"
foreach($user in $csvFile)
    $account = $user.networkid
    $keyword = $account + "_LThumb" 
    $file = Get-Content $files.FullName
    $ContainsWord = $file | %{$_ -match $keyword}   
    if($ContainsWord -contains $true)
        Rename-Item $_.name -NewName $user.NewFileName

If i understood correctly what you are trying to achieve this should work: 如果我正确理解了您要实现的目标,则应正常工作:

$csvFile = Import-csv "C:\userdata.csv"
$filePath = "C:\eepics\"
$destination = "C:\example\folder\"

foreach($user in $csvFile){
$filename = $user.networkid + "_LThumb"
Get-Childitem $filePath | where {$_.Name -match $filename} | Rename-Item -NewName $user.NewFileName
Copy-Item $filePath$($user.NewFileName) -Destination $destination

Note that the NewFileName in your csv has to contain the File-Extension (eg ".jpg") 请注意,csv中的NewFileName必须包含文件扩展名(例如“ .jpg”)

-contains is used to test if a set (for example an array) contains a value. -contains用于测试集合(例如数组)是否包含值。 boolean comparisons like you are trying to do in your if statement should be done like this: 布尔比较,例如您要在if语句中尝试执行的比较,如下所示:


If $variable is True the block will be executed 如果$variable为True,则将执行该块

Regarding your code: 关于您的代码:

$file = Get-Content $files.FullName

will actually get the content (and if i say content i mean it) of all files in the directory C:\\eepics\\ 实际上将获取目录C:\\ eepics \\中所有文件的内容(如果我说是内容,我是说真的)

$ContainsWord = $file | %{$_ -match $keyword}  

will cycle through all contents of all files you got line by line and see if something matches $keyword 将逐行循环浏览所有文件的所有内容,并查看是否有匹配$ keyword的文件

Update: added code to copy the file after renaming because of user request 更新:由于用户请求,添加了重命名后复制文件的代码

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