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[英]Angular leaflet marker click

I use leaflet with angular and would like to make a button clickable in a message popup. 我使用带角度的传单,并希望在消息弹出窗口中使按钮可单击。 I know I have to compile the HTML, but I can't get it to work in my case since I didn't find an example with a json-request. 我知道我必须编译HTML,但是由于没有找到带有json-request的示例,因此我无法使其正常工作。

Any hint is very welcome! 任何提示都非常欢迎!

$http.get(searchterm).then(function(articlesResponse) {

        $scope.geonamesorte = articlesResponse.data;

        var meineMarker = {};

        for ( var i = 0; i < $scope.geonamesorte.length; i++) {
            var ortObjektausListe = $scope.geonamesorte[i];

            var myobjectname = ortObjektausListe.name.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g,'_');
            ortlat = parseFloat(ortObjektausListe.lat);
            ortlng = parseFloat(ortObjektausListe.lng);

            meineMarker[myobjectname+i] =  {
                    lat: ortlat,
                    lng: ortlng,
                    message: "<span><a href='' ng-click='dosomething()''>info</a></span>",
                    focus: false,
                    draggable: false


        // Marker on map
        angular.extend($scope, {
          markers: meineMarker,


Ok, found the solution here: angular-leaflet-directive custom message html with angular directives in marker popup. 好的,在这里找到解决方案: 在标记弹出窗口中使用angular指令的angular-leaflet-directive自定义消息html。 How to? 如何?

But modified it a bit: 但是修改了一下:

    var myobjectname = 'meinort';

    var meineMarker = {};
        meineMarker[myobjectname] =  {
                    lat: 0,
                    lng: 0,
                    name: 'testname',
                    message: "<span><a href='' ng-click='dosomething()'>info</a></span>",
                    focus: false,
                    draggable: false

  $scope.$on('leafletDirectiveMarker.click', function(e, args) {
            // Args will contain the marker name and other relevant information
            var markerName = args.leafletEvent.target.options.name; //has to be set above
            var $container = $(args.leafletEvent.target._popup._container).find('.leaflet-popup-  content'); 
            var html = "<p> I am "+markerName +" " + args.leafletEvent.target._popup._content + "</p>", 
              linkFunction = $compile(angular.element(html)),             
              linkedDOM = linkFunction($scope); 

include a $compile service into controller then write: 在控制器中包含$ compile服务,然后编写:

meineMarker[myobjectname+i] =  {
                    lat: ortlat,
                    lng: ortlng,
                    message: $compile("<span><a href='' ng-click='dosomething()''>info</a></span>")($scope),
                    focus: false,
                    draggable: false

dosomething() must be defined on the current scope 必须在当前作用域上定义dosomething()

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