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我得到一个JSON / Javascript对象是因为可以在控制台中看到它,但是如何获取它进行序列化并使数据绑定到Ui元素呢?

[英]I am getting a JSON/Javascript object because I can see it in my console, but how do I get it to serialize and make my data bind to my Ui elements?

I am using knockout. 我正在使用淘汰赛。 I am sending dynamic data from my MySql server to a wcf service and then getting my knockout function to display the data in divs. 我正在将动态数据从MySql服务器发送到wcf服务,然后获取敲除函数以divs显示数据。 I will post the code below so you can see what I'm talking about. 我将在下面发布代码,以便您可以了解我在说什么。

My knockout model: 我的淘汰赛模型:

function machineDataModel(item) {
    this.mach_no = ko.observable(item.mach_no),
    this.VAR1 = ko.observable(item.VAR1),
    this.VAR2 = ko.observable(item.VAR2),
    this.VAR3 = ko.observable(item.VAR3),
    this.VAR4 = ko.observable(item.VAR4)

Knockout ViewModel: 剔除ViewModel:

$(document).ready(function () {

    var machineDataViewModel = {

        machineDataItems: ko.observableArray([]),

        loadMachineDataItems: function () {
            alert('Method 1: Start');
            $.getJSON("http://localhost/JsonRestful/Service1.svc/GetMachineData", function (data) {
                //alert('Everything Removed')
                alert('Method 2: Start');
                $.each(data, function (index, item) {
                    machineDataViewModel.machineDataItems.push(new machineDataModel(item));




    //setInterval( loadMachineDataItems, 10000 );

I know everything works fine till I get to the alert Method 2: Start. 我知道一切正常,直到我收到警报。方法2:开始。 The each method doesn't iterate over the array like I want it to. 每个方法都不会像我想要的那样遍历数组。 I get an object in my console where I requested it be posted in the log. 我在控制台中收到一个对象,该对象要求将其发布到日志中。 Object { GetMachineDataResult=[20]}

My View is: 我的看法是:

<div id="knockout" data-bind="foreach: machineDataItems">
    <p id="machineNum" data-bind="text: mach_no"></p>
    <div id="Completed" data-bind="text: VAR1"></div>
    <div id="Style" data-bind="text: VAR2"></div>
    <div id="PUPC" data-bind="text: VAR3"></div>
    <div id="RPM" data-bind="text: VAR4"></div>

From the image of your JSON response you posted in a comment, it looks like your JSON object looks something like this: 从您在评论中发布的JSON响应的图像来看,您的JSON对象看起来像这样:

    "GetMachineDataResult": [ // bunch of items here ]

Note that the array isn't the top level object, it's a property called GetMachineDateResult . 注意,该数组不是顶级对象,而是一个名为GetMachineDateResult的属性。 So instead of: 所以代替:

$.each(data, function (index, item) { //...

You need: 你需要:

$.each(data.GetMachineDateResult, function (index, item) { //...

Because data is an object and data.getMachineDateResult is the array you want. 因为data是一个对象,而data.getMachineDateResult是您想要的数组。


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