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从哈希图中删除元素时出现 java.util.ConcurrentModificationException

[英]java.util.ConcurrentModificationException when removing elements from a hashmap

I am learning about HashMap class and wrote this simple program.我正在学习HashMap类并编写了这个简单的程序。 this code works good for adding elements to the hashmap and while removing elements from the hashmap , I am encountering java.util.ConcurrentModificationException for example here is a copy of my terminal,此代码适用于将元素添加到 hashmap 并从 hashmap 删除元素时,我遇到java.util.ConcurrentModificationException例如这里是我的终端的副本,

[ravi@doom test]$ java TestHashMap 
1. Add
2. remove key
3. remove value
4. display
7. Exit
Your choice :1

 Key : A

 Value : 1
Key/Value : (A,1) added to storage.
1. Add
2. remove key
3. remove value
4. display
7. Exit
Your choice :1

 Key : B

 Value : 2
Key/Value : (B,2) added to storage.
1. Add
2. remove key
3. remove value
4. display
7. Exit
Your choice :1

 Key : C

 Value : 3
Key/Value : (C,3) added to storage.
1. Add
2. remove key
3. remove value
4. display
7. Exit
Your choice :1

 Key : D

 Value : 4
Key/Value : (D,4) added to storage.
1. Add
2. remove key
3. remove value
4. display
7. Exit
Your choice :4
( D , 4 );
( A , 1 );
( B , 2 );
( C , 3 );
1. Add
2. remove key
3. remove value
4. display
7. Exit
Your choice :2
Key to REMOVE : 
Pair (D,4) Removed.
1. Add
2. remove key
3. remove value
4. display
7. Exit
Your choice :4
( A , 1 );
( B , 2 );
( C , 3 );
1. Add
2. remove key
3. remove value
4. display
7. Exit
Your choice :3
Enter Value to remove : 2
Key : B Removed.
Exception in thread "main" java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
    at java.util.HashMap$HashIterator.nextEntry(HashMap.java:922)
    at java.util.HashMap$EntryIterator.next(HashMap.java:962)
    at java.util.HashMap$EntryIterator.next(HashMap.java:960)
    at TestHashMap.start(TestHashMap.java:60)
    at TestHashMap.main(TestHashMap.java:87)
ABRT problem creation: 'success'


import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Scanner;

class TestHashMap
    private Map<String,Integer> map;
    public TestHashMap()
        map = new HashMap<String,Integer>();
    public void displayMenu()
        System.out.println("1. Add");
        System.out.println("2. remove key");
        System.out.println("3. remove value");
        System.out.println("4. display");
        System.out.println("7. Exit");
        System.out.print("Your choice :");
    public void start()
        Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
        int menuChoice,value;
        String key;
            menuChoice = input.nextInt();
                case 1:
                    System.out.print("\n Key : ");
                    key = input.nextLine();
                    System.out.print("\n Value : ");
                    value = input.nextInt();
                    map.put(key,new Integer(value));
                    System.out.println("Key/Value : ("+key+","+value+") added to storage.");
                case 2:
                    System.out.println("Key to REMOVE : ");
                    key = input.nextLine();
                    Integer v = map.get(key);
                    if(v == null)
                        System.out.println("No value exists for key "+key);
                        System.out.println("Pair ("+key+","+v.intValue()+") Removed.");
                case 3:
                    System.out.print("Enter Value to remove : ");
                    value = input.nextInt();
                    if(map.containsValue(new Integer(value)))
                        for(Map.Entry<String,Integer> entry : map.entrySet() )
                            if(entry.getValue().intValue() == value)
                                System.out.println("Key : "+entry.getKey()+" Removed.");
                case 4:
                    for(Map.Entry<String,Integer> entry : map.entrySet() )
                        System.out.println("( "+entry.getKey()+" , "+entry.getValue()+" );");
                case 7:
                    System.out.println("Invalid Choice !");
    public static void main(String args[])
        TestHashMap thm = new TestHashMap();

UPDATE : working code更新:工作代码

thanks to both ( rgettman , Nathan Hughes ) of you.感谢你们( rgettmanNathan Hughes )。

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Iterator;

class TestHashMap
    private Map<String,Integer> map;
    public TestHashMap()
        map = new HashMap<String,Integer>();
    public void displayMenu()
        System.out.println("1. Add");
        System.out.println("2. remove key");
        System.out.println("3. remove value");
        System.out.println("4. display");
        System.out.println("7. Exit");
        System.out.print("Your choice :");
    public void start()
        Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
        int menuChoice,value;
        String key;
            menuChoice = input.nextInt();
                case 1:
                    System.out.print("\n Key : ");
                    key = input.nextLine();
                    System.out.print("\n Value : ");
                    value = input.nextInt();
                    map.put(key,new Integer(value));
                    System.out.println("Key/Value : ("+key+","+value+") added to storage.");
                case 2:
                    System.out.println("Key to REMOVE : ");
                    key = input.nextLine();
                    Integer v = map.get(key);
                    if(v == null)
                        System.out.println("No value exists for key "+key);
                        System.out.println("Pair ("+key+","+v.intValue()+") Removed.");
                case 3:
                    System.out.print("Enter Value to remove : ");
                    value = input.nextInt();
                    if(map.containsValue(new Integer(value)))
                        for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Integer>> it = map.entrySet().iterator();it.hasNext();) 
                            Map.Entry<String,Integer> x = it.next();
                            if(x.getValue().intValue() == value)
                                key = x.getKey();
                                System.out.println("Key : "+key+" Removed.");
                case 4:
                    for(Map.Entry<String,Integer> entry : map.entrySet() )
                        System.out.println("( "+entry.getKey()+" , "+entry.getValue()+" );");
                case 7:
                    System.out.println("Invalid Choice !");
    public static void main(String args[])
        TestHashMap thm = new TestHashMap();

Your for-loop gets the map.entrySet and uses the iterator on it to work through the map entries (this version of the for-loop requires an Iterable, it gets the iterator from the Iterable). 你的for循环获取map.entrySet并使用它上面的迭代器来处理映射条目(这个版本的for循环需要一个Iterable,它从Iterable获取迭代器)。 When you are using an iterator on a map, but remove things from the map without using that iterator, you get the ConcurrentModificationException. 在地图上使用迭代器时,如果不使用该迭代器从地图中删除内容,则会得到ConcurrentModificationException。 That is the map telling the iterator that it's out of date. 那是告诉迭代者它已经过时的地图。

You can write a for loop using the iterator explicitly, like this: 您可以使用iterator显式编写for循环,如下所示:

for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Integer> it = map.entrySet().iterator();
it.hasNext();) {

and use the iterator's remove method when you need to delete an entry. 并在需要删除条目时使用iterator的remove方法。

You are calling remove while you're iterating over the Map . 在迭代Map调用remove This line, the enhanced for loop, runs an Iterator implicitly: 这一行,增强的for循环,隐式运行Iterator

for(Map.Entry<String,Integer> entry : map.entrySet() )

When an Iterator detects that its collection is modified, it throws a ConcurrentModificationException . Iterator检测到其集合被修改时,它会抛出ConcurrentModificationException However, you can call remove() on the Iterator itself without that exception being thrown. 但是,您可以在Iterator本身上调用remove() ,而不会抛出异常。 Use an Iterator explicitly: 明确使用Iterator

Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Integer>> itr = map.entrySet().iterator();
   Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry = itr.next();
   if(entry.getValue().intValue() == 2)
      System.out.println("Key : "+entry.getKey()+" Removed.");
      itr.remove();  // Call Iterator's remove method.

You cannot remove an element from a map which you are currently iterating over. 您无法从当前正在迭代的地图中删除元素。 You could define an iterator, or you could make a few simple modifications to your code within the block for case 3. 您可以定义迭代器,或者您可以对块3中的代码进行一些简单的修改。

case 3:
    System.out.print("Enter Value to remove : ");
    value = input.nextInt();
    if(map.containsValue(new Integer(value)))
        Map.Entry<String,Integer> foo = null;
        for(Map.Entry<String,Integer> entry : map.entrySet() )
            if(entry.getValue().intValue() == value)
                foo = entry;

        System.out.println("Key : "+foo.getKey()+" Removed.");

Just Use Iterator class to remove the Iterating Element as 只需使用Iterator类将迭代元素删除为

for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Integer> it = map.entrySet().iterator();
while(it.hasNext()) {
  Map.Entry<String, Integer> e= itr.next();
  key = e.getKey();
  Value = e.getValue();

  //Your Other Code Here

   it.remove();                    //It removes the current Itertaion from Map


可以使用Collections类的 removeIf。

map.keySet().removeIf(key -> key.equals("someThing"));


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