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[英]Shiny app error in console

I am trying to build a shiny app for a project and I think I am all done, everything seems to be working properly but I keep getting this error in my console when I run the app: 我正在尝试为一个项目构建一个闪亮的应用程序,但我想我已经完成了一切,一切似乎都正常运行,但是运行该应用程序时,我的控制台中始终出现此错误:

Error in grep(input$predict, columns) : invalid 'pattern' argument
Error in parse(text = x) : <text>:2:0: unexpected end of input
1: Ozone  ~  
Error in parse(text = x) : <text>:2:0: unexpected end of input
1: Ozone  ~  

Here is my code for ui.R: 这是我的ui.R代码:


# Define UI for airquality data application

    # Application title
    headerPanel("Air Quality Relationships & Predictions"),

            selectInput("outcome", "Outcome:", list("O Zone" = "Ozone", 
                                                    "Solar Radiation" = "Solar.R",
                                                    "Wind" = "Wind",
                                                    "Temperature" = "Temp")),


And here is the code for server.R: 这是server.R的代码:


    #import dataset
    airData <- airquality

    #make list of columns for dropdowns
    columns <- list("O Zone" = "Ozone", "Solar Radiation" = "Solar.R", "Wind" = "Wind", "Temperature" = "Temp")

    # Define server logic
    shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {

            #set dropdown so it only shows 3 remaining columns, won't compare a variable to itself
            output$predictor = renderUI({
                    outc <- input$outcome
                    selectInput("predict", "Predictor:", columns[-grep(outc,columns)])

            #setup the slider for the current selections, default to mean, set max and min to the observed max and min
            output$slider = renderUI({
                    slLabel = paste("Adjust to predict ", names(columns[grep(input$outcome,columns)]), "using this value for ", names(columns[grep(input$predict,columns)]), ":")
                    slVal = round(mean(airData[,input$predict], na.rm=TRUE),0)
                    slMin = round(min(airData[,input$predict], na.rm=TRUE),0)
                    slMax = round(max(airData[,input$predict], na.rm=TRUE),0)
                    sliderInput('slide', slLabel, value = slVal, min = slMin, max = slMax, step=1,)

            #create formula for plot
            formulaText <- reactive({
                    paste(input$outcome, " ~ ", input$predict)

            #create text for prediction
            output$guess <- renderText({
                    fit <- lm(as.formula(formulaText()), data=airData)
                    slp <- fit$coeff[2]
                    yint <- fit$coeff[1]
                    predout <- round(yint + slp * input$slide,2)
                    paste("Predicted outcome for ", names(columns[grep(input$outcome,columns)]), ": ", predout)

            #create plot and fitted line
            output$ioPlot <- renderPlot({
                    fit <- lm(as.formula(formulaText()), data=airData)
                            data = airData, xlab=names(columns[grep(input$predict,columns)]), ylab=names(columns[grep(input$outcome,columns)]))
                    abline(fit, col="red")
                    title(main= paste(names(columns[grep(input$outcome,columns)]), " vs. ", names(columns[grep(input$predict,columns)])))

I think the issue is due to the way you are subsetting columns to make the predict selectInput 我认为这个问题是由于您进行子集的方式columns ,使predict selectInput

Try this instead 试试这个

output$predictor = renderUI({
            selectInput("predict", "Predictor:", columns[columns!=input$outcome])

That should give you everything from the columns list except for whatever was chosen for input$outcome . 这应该为您提供columns list所有内容,但为input$outcome选择的内容除外。

Edit I just noticed you are also using a grep many times in order to paste some text for an output. 编辑我刚刚注意到您还多次使用grep以便为输出粘贴一些文本。 Instead you should use statements like: 相反,您应该使用如下语句:


That is, you don't need grep you can just subset columns directly. 也就是说,您不需要grep您可以直接对columns子集化。

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