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使用Java Pattern Regex从WebViewClient中的已解码mailto中提取信息

[英]Using Java Pattern Regex to extract information from decoded mailto in WebViewClient

I use android API 19 to embed website in webview and here i face this problem that when a user click link mailto. 我使用Android API 19将网站嵌入到webview中,在这里我遇到这个问题,即当用户单击链接mailto时。 I want to extract information and start ACTION_SEND intent. 我想提取信息并启动ACTION_SEND目的。

String firstUrl = "mailto:abc@test.com.kh";
String secondUrl = "mailto:abc@test.com.kh?subject=Request%20to%20create%20a%20new%20listing&body=To%20create%20or%20update%20your%20listing%20on%20cambodiastaging.yoolk.com";

So i want to match and get data like this. 所以我想匹配并获取这样的数据。

email    #=> abc@test.com.kh
subject  #=> Request%20to%20create%20a%20new%20listing
body     #=> To%20create%20or%20update%20your%20listing%20on%20cambodiastaging.yoolk.com

Here are my attempts. 这是我的尝试。

"^mailto:(^?)\\?{0,1}" #=> group1=abc@test.com.kh for both url

The best answer I'm looking for is a regex pattern that match: 我正在寻找的最佳答案是匹配的正则表达式模式:

  • "mailto:abc@test.com.kh2" “电子邮件地址:abc@test.com.kh2”
  • "mailto:abc@test.com.kh?subject=Request%20to%20create%20a%20new%20listing&body=To%20create%20or%20update%20your%20listing%20on%20cambodiastaging.yoolk.com" “电子邮件地址:abc@test.com.kh受试者=请求%20to%20create%20A%20new%20listing&体=要%20create%20or%20update%20your%20listing%20on%20cambodiastaging.yoolk.com”
  • "mailto:mailto:abc@test.com.kh?body=body&subject=subject" “电子邮件地址:邮寄地址:abc@test.com.kh体=身体受到=主题”
  • "mailto:mailto:abc@test.com.kh?body=body&subject=subject&cc=abc@me.com&bcc=aaa@me.com" “电子邮件地址:的mailto:?abc@test.com.kh体=身体受试者=受试者CC = ABC @ me.com&BCC = AAA @ me.com”

If your secondUrl is always going to be in the same format (mailto , subject, body), you can use String.split() thrice. 如果您的secondUrl始终采用相同的格式(mailto,主题,正文),则可以使用String.split()三次。

  1. Split secondUrl first with a ? ?先分割secondUrl and get the first element. 并获得第一个元素。 It will be the email ID. 这将是电子邮件ID。
  2. Take [1]th element of the above step and split again using & . 采取上述步骤的第[1]个元素,然后使用&再次拆分。 Now, [0]th element will be subject, and the other element will be body. 现在,第[0]个元素将为subject,另一个元素将为body。

    String mailId = secondUrl.split("\\\\?")[0]; String subject = secondUrl.split("\\\\?")[1].split("&")[0]; String body = secondUrl.split("\\\\?")[1].split("&")[1];

Not the best answer, but i got this working for now for my url pattern above. 不是最好的答案,但对于上面的url模式,我现在可以使用此功能。

String mailToRegexp = "^mailto:([^?]+)\\?{0,1}(?:subject=(.+)&body=(.+)){0,1}";
Pattern mailToPattern = Pattern.compile(mailToRegexp);
Matcher mailToMatcher = mailToPattern.matcher(url);

if (mailToMatcher.find()) {
     String email = mailToMatcher.group(1);
     String subject = mailToMatcher.group(2);
     String body = mailToMatcher.group(3);

     Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND);
     intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_EMAIL, new String[] {email});
     if (subject != null) {
         intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, URLDecoder.decode(subject));
     if (body != null) {
         intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, URLDecoder.decode(body));

     startActivity(Intent.createChooser(intent, "Email To:"));

This regex will break if pattern url change order of "subject" and "body" or add more like "cc". 如果模式URL更改“主题”和“正文”的顺序或添加更多类似“ cc”的内容,则此正则表达式将中断。

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