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[英]Why does my char array print random trailing characters?

I'm a complete novice to programming and I really need your help. 我是编程的新手,我真的需要您的帮助。 After calling AddS more than once, and then calling ListS to display everything stored in struct subject *a, the first print of the struct member tag is printed only up to 12 characters correct, followed by random trailing characters. 在多次调用AddS之后,然后调用ListS以显示存储在struct subject * a中的所有内容之后,struct成员标记第一次打印最多只能正确打印12个字符,然后再打印随机的尾随字符。 On the next iteration of the loop, tag is printed with all characters correct. 在循环的下一次迭代中,将使用正确的所有字符打印标记 I've tried lowering the size of tag and it seems that it removed the trailing characters. 我尝试减小标签的大小,似乎它删除了尾随的字符。 What exactly is happening here? 这里到底发生了什么?

struct store
    char call[7], tag[450];
    int units;

void AddS(struct store *a, int *n)
    char ecode[8], etags[450];
    int f, error = 0;
    struct store *tempptr;

    scanf("%s", ecode);
    scanf("%d", &f);
    scanf("%s", etags); 

    if(Initial(ecode) && Occurrence(ecode, a, *n))

            tempptr = realloc(a, *n + 1);
            a = tempptr;

        if(tempptr || !*n)
            strcpy((a + *subctr) -> call, ecode);
            (a + *n) -> units = f;

            if (etags[0] == '.')
                (a + *n) -> tag[0] = '\0';
                strcpy((a + *n) -> tag, etags); 

            printf("%s added.\n", ecode);
            *n = *n + 1;
        else if(tempptr == NULL)
            printf("No space.\n");


void ListS(struct store *a, int n)
    int i, j;
    for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
        printf("%s %d %s\n", (a + i) -> call, (a + i) -> units, (a + i) -> tag);

The second argument to realloc() is a byte size for the new allocation. realloc()的第二个参数是新分配的字节大小

There's not enough code shown to be sure, but this: 没有足够的代码显示可确定的,但是:

tempptr = realloc(a, *subctr + 1);

should very probably be 应该很可能

tempptr = realloc(a, (*subctr + 1) * sizeof *a);

在结构struct subject定义的成员char code[7]小于您在AddS()函数中定义的char ecode[8]

Instead of using scanf to read input I would recommend you to use fgets and sscanf. 建议您不要使用scanf来读取输入,而应该使用fgets和sscanf。 Scanf is considered to be rather unsafe. Scanf被认为是相当不安全的。

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