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[英]Publishing to Artifactory using Jenkins

I am trying to use the Generic Jenkins-Artifactory plugin to deploy the contents of the Jenkins build workspace into Artifactory. 我正在尝试使用Generic Jenkins-Artifactory插件将Jenkins构建工作区的内容部署到Artifactory中。 This seems to be somewhat fine using the following wildcards 使用以下通配符似乎有点好


However, when it comes to moving the contents of 'Database\\Scripts' from the Jenkins workspace, empty folders under 'Database\\Scripts' do not get copied into Artifactory. 但是,当涉及从Jenkins工作区移动“数据库\\脚本”的内容时,“数据库\\脚本”下的空文件夹不会复制到Artifactory中。 Non-empty folders however are copied successfully. 但是,非空文件夹已成功复制。 It is important that I maintain the directory integrity/structure so it's a must that I copy these across. 保持目录的完整性/结构很重要,因此必须在目录之间进行复制。

I have considered placing empty text files in the empty directories to have them copy over successfully but I don't want to "pollute" the package. 我曾考虑将空文本文件放在空目录中,以使它们成功复制,但是我不想“污染”该程序包。

Please help :-) 请帮忙 :-)

Thanks! 谢谢!

Looks like there is no workaround -other than dummy files in the directories. 看起来没有其他解决方法-目录中的虚拟文件除外。 I see some bugs in Jenkins releated to handling empty directories. 我看到Jenkins中的一些错误与处理空目录有关。 JENKINS-7260 Clone workspace doesn't copy empty directories when cloning entire workspace JENKINS-20654Empty folders are not copied to the slave JENKINS-7260克隆整个工作区时,克隆工作区不会复制空目录 JENKINS-20654空文件夹不会复制到从属服务器

Could you check if answer posted in Hudson: Copy artifact from master to slave fails helps? 您能否检查在Hudson中发布的答案:将工件从主设备复制到从设备失败是否有帮助?

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