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[英]How can i get number of entries and column name in a unique select?

I have the following table: 我有下表:

IdColumn   Name      Role   Status
  1        peter     Ope        0
  2        peter     Adm        1
  3        Jon       Ope        1
  4        Mac       Adm        1
  5        Jon       Adm        0
  6        peter     Sec        1

What I wanted to get is the column name and number of entries for each one in a single query. 我想要获得的是在单个查询中每个列的名称和条目数。

select Name, Count(*) from table where Status = 1; 

Exit example: 退出示例:

Name | Count()|
peter|  2     |
Jon  |  1     |
Mac  |  1     |

This is a basic group by query: 这是一个基本的group by查询group by

select Name, Count(*)
from table
where Status = 1
group by Name;

If you are going to use SQL, you should learn the basics. 如果要使用SQL,则应学习基础知识。 group by and join are definitely basics of the SQL language. group byjoin绝对是SQL语言的基础。

Use group by clause: 使用group by子句:

select Name, Count(*) from table where Status = 1 group by Name;
                                             Add group by here

Query 询问

select count(*), Name 
from table 
where status=1 
group by Name

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