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Openlayers 3添加带图标和文字的可移动标记

[英]Openlayers 3 Add Movable Marker with Icon and Text

In OL3, I've succeeded at making a map on which there are movable markers: 在OL3中,我成功地制作了一个有可移动标记的地图:

var mapVectorSource = new ol.source.Vector({
    features: []
var mapVectorLayer = new ol.layer.Vector({
    source: mapVectorSource

function makeMovable(feature) {
    var modify = new ol.interaction.Modify({
        features: new ol.Collection([feature])

    feature.on('change',function() {
        console.log('Feature Moved To:' + this.getGeometry().getCoordinates());
    }, feature);
    return modify;

function createMarker(location, style){
    var iconFeature = new ol.Feature({
        geometry: new ol.geom.Point(location)

    return iconFeature

iconStyle = new ol.style.Style({
    image: new ol.style.Icon(/** @type {olx.style.IconOptions} */ ({
        anchor: [0.5, 1],
        anchorXUnits: 'fraction',
        anchorYUnits: 'fraction',
        src: '/static/img/marker-icon.png',
var marker = createMarker(ol.proj.transform([38, 50], 'EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:3857'), iconStyle);
var modifyInteraction = makeMovable(marker);

But I want to add >10 markers, so I need to label them with numbers or text. 但我想添加> 10个标记,所以我需要用数字或文字标记它们。 Is there any way to add text to the overlay? 有没有办法在叠加层中添加文字? If I inspect iconStyle , I see that it has a getText() function, but that function always just returns undefined and there is no accompanying setText() function. 如果我检查iconStyle ,我看到它有一个getText()函数,但该函数总是只返回undefined并且没有附带的setText()函数。 It would also seem natural to define it like this: 像这样定义它似乎很自然:

iconStyle = new ol.style.Style({
    image: new ol.style.Icon(/** @type {olx.style.IconOptions} */ ({
        anchor: [0.5, 1],
        anchorXUnits: 'fraction',
        anchorYUnits: 'fraction',
        src: '/static/img/marker-icon.png',
    text: "Hello, Marker"    // <- operative line

But that doesn't seem to be allowed. 但似乎不允许这样做。 Another natural option might be to attach an html element to the style so that we can render anything we want, but there doesn't seem to be a way to do that. 另一个自然选择可能是将html元素附加到样式,以便我们可以渲染任何我们想要的东西,但似乎没有办法做到这一点。

So, how do I create a marker that has a text label? 那么,如何创建具有文本标签的标记?

As seen in this example, the solution is to use a list of styles instead of just a single style. 例所示,解决方案是使用样式列表而不是单个样式。

In this case it's very simple: 在这种情况下,它非常简单:

iconStyle = [
    new ol.style.Style({
        image: new ol.style.Icon(/** @type {olx.style.IconOptions} */ ({
            anchor: [0.5, 1],
            anchorXUnits: 'fraction',
            anchorYUnits: 'fraction',
            src: '/static/img/marker-icon.png',
    new ol.style.Style({
        text: new ol.style.Text({
            text: "Wow such label",
            offsetY: -25,
            fill: new ol.style.Fill({
                color: '#fff'

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