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使用字段作为Logstash Grok过滤器模式的输入

[英]Using field as input to Logstash Grok filter pattern

I'm wondering if it is possible to use a field in the Logstash message as the input the to Grok pattern. 我想知道是否可以使用Logstash消息中的字段作为Grok模式的输入。 Say I have an entry that looks like: 说我有一个看起来像这样的条目:


I want to be able to do something like this: 我希望能够做这样的事情:

filter {
  grok {
    match => ["message", ["%{grok_filter}"]]

The problem is this crashes Logstash as it appears to treat "%{grok_filter}" as the Grok filter itself instead of the value of grok_filter. 问题是这会使Logstash崩溃,因为它似乎将“%{grok_filter}”视为Grok过滤器本身而不是grok_filter的值。 I get the following after Logstash has crashed: Logstash崩溃后,我得到以下信息:

The error reported is: 
  pattern %{grok_filter} not defined

Is there anyway to get the value of a field from inside the Grok filter block and use that as the input to the Grok pattern? 无论如何,要从Grok过滤器块内部获取字段的值并将其用作Grok模式的输入吗?

The answer is no -- the grok filter compiles its pattern when the filter is initialized. 答案是否定的grok过滤器在初始化时会编译其模式。 If you need to do something like that you'll have to write your own filter that compiles the pattern every time (and pay the performance penalty). 如果您需要执行类似的操作,则必须编写自己的过滤器,该过滤器每次都会编译模式(并付出性能损失)。

Without knowing more about why you want to do this, it's hard to recommend the best course of action. 如果不知道为什么要这样做,那么很难推荐最佳的行动方案。 If you have a limited number of patterns, you can just set a grok_filter_type parameter and then have a bunch of if [grok_filter_type] == 'ip' { grok { ... } } type of things. 如果模式数量有限,则只需设置一个grok_filter_type参数,然后设置一堆if [grok_filter_type] == 'ip' { grok { ... } }类型的东西。

Here's a custom filter that will allow you to do what you want -- it's mostly a copy of the grok code, but there are some changes/simplifications. 这是一个自定义过滤器,可让您做自己想做的事情-主要是grok代码的副本,但有一些更改/简化。 I've tested it and it seems to work for me. 我已经对其进行了测试,它似乎很适合我。

# encoding: utf-8
require "logstash/filters/base"
require "logstash/namespace"
require "logstash/environment"
require "set"

# A version of grok that can parse from a log-defined pattern.  Not really
# recommended for high usage patterns, but for the occassional pattern it
# should work
#     filter {
#       grok_dynamic {
#         match_field => "message"
#     pattern_field => "message_pattern"
#       }
#     }
class LogStash::Filters::GrokDynamic < LogStash::Filters::Base
  config_name "grok_dynamic"
  milestone 1

  # The field that contains the data to match against
  config :match_field, :validate => :string, :required => true
  # the field that contains the pattern
  config :pattern_field, :validate => :string, :required => true
  # where the patterns are
  config :patterns_dir, :validate => :array, :default => []

  # If true, only store named captures from grok.
  config :named_captures_only, :validate => :boolean, :default => true

  # If true, keep empty captures as event fields.
  config :keep_empty_captures, :validate => :boolean, :default => false

  # Append values to the 'tags' field when there has been no
  # successful match
  config :tag_on_failure, :validate => :array, :default => ["_grokparsefailure"]

  # The fields to overwrite.
  # This allows you to overwrite a value in a field that already exists.
  config :overwrite, :validate => :array, :default => []

  # Detect if we are running from a jarfile, pick the right path.
  @@patterns_path ||= Set.new
  @@patterns_path += [LogStash::Environment.pattern_path("*")]

  def initialize(params)
    @handlers = {}

  def register
    require "grok-pure" # rubygem 'jls-grok'

    @patternfiles = []

    # Have @@patterns_path show first. Last-in pattern definitions win; this
    # will let folks redefine built-in patterns at runtime.
    @patterns_dir = @@patterns_path.to_a + @patterns_dir
    @logger.info? and @logger.info("Grok patterns path", :patterns_dir => @patterns_dir)
    @patterns_dir.each do |path|
      if File.directory?(path)
        path = File.join(path, "*")

      Dir.glob(path).each do |file|
        @logger.info? and @logger.info("Grok loading patterns from file", :path => file)
        @patternfiles << file

    @patterns = Hash.new { |h,k| h[k] = [] }

    @grok = Grok.new
    @patternfiles.each { |path| @grok.add_patterns_from_file(path) }

  end # def register

  def filter(event)
    return unless filter?(event)
    return if event[@match_field].nil? || event[@pattern_field].nil?

    @logger.debug? and @logger.debug("Running grok_dynamic filter", :event => event);
    if match(@grok,@match_field, event)
      # Tag this event if we can't parse it. We can use this later to
      # reparse+reindex logs if we improve the patterns given.
      @tag_on_failure.each do |tag|
        event["tags"] ||= []
        event["tags"] << tag unless event["tags"].include?(tag)

    @logger.debug? and @logger.debug("Event now: ", :event => event)
  end # def filter

  def match(grok, field, event)
    input = event[field]
    if input.is_a?(Array)
      success = true
      input.each do |input|
        match = grok.match(input)
        if match
          match.each_capture do |capture, value|
            handle(capture, value, event)
          success = false
      return success
    #elsif input.is_a?(String)
      # Convert anything else to string (number, hash, etc)
      match = grok.match(input.to_s)
      return false if !match

      match.each_capture do |capture, value|
        handle(capture, value, event)
      return true
  rescue StandardError => e
    @logger.warn("Grok regexp threw exception", :exception => e.message)

  def handle(capture, value, event)
    handler = @handlers[capture] ||= compile_capture_handler(capture)
    return handler.call(value, event)

  def compile_capture_handler(capture)
    syntax, semantic, coerce = capture.split(":")

    # each_capture do |fullname, value|
    #   capture_handlers[fullname].call(value, event)
    # end

    code = []
    code << "# for capture #{capture}"
    code << "lambda do |value, event|"
    #code << "  p :value => value, :event => event"
    if semantic.nil?
      if @named_captures_only
        # Abort early if we are only keeping named (semantic) captures
        # and this capture has no semantic name.
        code << "  return"
        field = syntax
      field = semantic
    code << "  return if value.nil? || value.empty?" unless @keep_empty_captures
    if coerce
      case coerce
        when "int"; code << "  value = value.to_i"
        when "float"; code << "  value = value.to_f"

    code << "  # field: #{field}"
    if @overwrite.include?(field)
      code << "  event[field] = value"
      code << "  v = event[field]"
      code << "  if v.nil?"
      code << "    event[field] = value"
      code << "  elsif v.is_a?(Array)"
      code << "    event[field] << value"
      code << "  elsif v.is_a?(String)"
      # Promote to array since we aren't overwriting.
      code << "    event[field] = [v, value]"
      code << "  end"
    code << "  return"
    code << "end"

    #puts code
    return eval(code.join("\n"), binding, "<grok capture #{capture}>")
  end # def compile_capture_handler

end # class LogStash::Filters::Grok

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