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[英]handlebars.js template with custom helper to slice data array

im trying to set up a handlebars template using a custom helper but i can't seem to get it to work. 我试图使用自定义帮助程序来设置车把模板,但我似乎无法使其正常工作。 The block helper should be able to slice my data array like it says here . 块助手应该能够切开我的数据阵列像它说在这里

When i call every index in my array without using the helper my template it works properly. 当我在不使用帮助程序的情况下调用数组中的每个索引时,模板就会正常工作。

This is my template 这是我的模板

          <script id="template_marcas" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
            <div class="large-3 small-3 columns marca_item">
              <div class="marca_content">
                <a href="{{href}}">Ver descuentos</a>

My data array: 我的数据数组:

var data_marcas = { 
  datos_marcas: [
        "descp":"Descripción Marta",
        "descp":"Descripción Marca",
        "descp":"Descripción Marca",
      } //etc.....

And this is the helper i'm trying to use 这是我要使用的助手

Handlebars.registerHelper('slice', function(context, block) {
var ret = "",
  offset = parseInt(block.hash.offset) || 0,
  limit = parseInt(block.hash.limit) || 5,
  i = (offset < context.length) ? offset : 0,
  j = ((limit + offset) < context.length) ? (limit + offset) : context.length;

for(i,j; i<j; i++) {
  ret += block(context[i]);

  return ret;

which i found here 我在这里找到的


I'm trying to use the helper as below, perhaps there is something wrong with the way i'm calling it. 我正在尝试使用以下帮助程序,也许我调用它的方式有问题。

          <script id="template_marcas" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
          {{#slice datos_marcas offset="1" limit="5"}}
            <div class="large-3 small-3 columns marca_item">
              <div class="marca_content">
                <a href="{{href}}">Ver descuentos</a>

There is error in the slice helper you found. 您发现的slice助手中存在错误。

Instead of block(context[i]) there should be block.fn(context[i]) 应该使用block.fn(context[i])而不是block(context[i]) block.fn(context[i])

Here is a working jsfiddle 这是一个工作的jsfiddle

I upgraded this so you can use negative offset to strip from the end of the array as per ECMA Array.slice. 我对此进行了升级,因此您可以按照ECMA Array.slice使用负偏移量从数组末尾剥离。

Handlebars.registerHelper('slice', function (context, options) {

  var ret = "",
    offset = parseInt(options.hash.offset, 10) || 0,
    limit = parseInt(options.hash.limit, 10) || 5,

  if (offset < 0) {
    i = (-offset < context.length) ? context.length - (-offset) : 0;
  } else {
    i = (offset < context.length) ? offset : 0;

  j = ((limit + i) < context.length) ? (limit + i) : context.length;

  for (i, j; i < j; i++) {
    ret += options.fn(context[i]);

  return ret;

See the fiddle. 看到小提琴。

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