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[英]repeated StructuredProperty of ndb.GeoPt

How do I repeat geo points as structured properties? 如何将地理位置重复为结构化属性?

My code looks like this: 我的代码如下所示:

class MyModel(EndpointsModel):
    segments = ndb.StructuredProperty(ndb.GeoPt, repeated=True)

When I try to run the code and create instances of MyModel I get the following error: 当我尝试运行代码并创建MyModel实例时,出现以下错误:

AttributeError: type object 'GeoPt' has no attribute '_has_repeated'

How to find out if a model class is db or a ndb seems to suggest that _has_repeated is a property specific to ndb models, and https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/python/ndb/properties#structured seems to suggest that ndb.GeoPt is identical to db.GeoPt. 如何确定模型类是db还是ndb似乎暗示_has_repeated是特定于ndb模型的属性,而https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/python/ndb/properties#structured似乎建议ndb.GeoPt与db.GeoPt相同。

Why do you want to use GeoPt with structured property? 为什么要对结构化属性使用GeoPt? Just use something like this: 只需使用以下内容:

class MyModel(EndpointsModel):
  segments = ndb.GeoPtProperty(repeated=True)

But if you want to store extra information with each GeoPt object, then use structured property like this: 但是,如果您想与每个GeoPt对象一起存储额外的信息,请使用以下结构化属性:

class GeoPtWithStruct(ndb.Model):
  geo = ndb.GeoPtProperty()
  bla = ndb.StringProperty()

class MyModel(EndpointsModel):
  segments = ndb.StructuredProperty(GeoPtWithStruct, repeated=True)

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