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[英]Use Parse.com and Android, how can I get a list of Games that a pair of Players share?

I am making a two-player for Android using Parse.com. 我正在使用Parse.com为Android制作两人游戏。 I'm determining which two players are in the game by introducing a Game table on Parse.com, with an Array of the userId s of the players of the game. 我通过在Parse.com上引入Game表以及游戏playersuserId Array来确定游戏中有两个玩家。

I need to query Parse.com for a list of all the games shared by two given players. 我需要查询Parse.com,以获得两个给定玩家共享的所有游戏的列表。 I thought something like this would do the trick. 我以为这样的事情可以解决。

    String[] userIds = new String[] {player1, player2};
    ParseQuery<ParseObject> query = new ParseQuery<ParseObject>("Game");
    query.whereEqualTo("players", userIds);

The problem is, I don't know the order of the Array of players. 问题是,我不知道玩家数组的顺序 So about half of the time, the order will be wrong I won't get the correct result from this query. 因此,大约有一半的时间,顺序是错误的,我无法从该查询中获得正确的结果。 I'll get that no game exists between the two players. 我会知道两个玩家之间没有游戏。

So my idea to solve this was to also query for a reversed array, then OR the two queries together. 因此,我解决此问题的想法是还查询一个反向数组,然后将两个查询或在一起。

    String[] reversedUserIds = new String[] {player2, player1};
    ParseQuery<ParseObject> query2 = new ParseQuery<ParseObject>("Game");
    query2.whereEqualTo("players", reverseUserIds);
    List<ParseQuery<ParseObject>> queryList = new ArrayList<ParseQuery<ParseObject>>();
    ParseQuery<ParseObject> mainQuery = ParseQuery.or(queryList);

However, when I run mainQuery.find() , I get an error that looks like this: 但是,当我运行mainQuery.find() ,出现如下错误:

    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: invalid type for ParseObject: class [Ljava.lang.String;

Instead of simply returning a list of all the games that both players are playing with each other. 而不是简单地返回两个玩家都在玩的所有游戏的列表。

You could try to force the IDs pair to be always ordered, for example doing player1.compareTo(player2) . 您可以尝试强制将ID对始终排序,例如,执行player1.compareTo(player2) Then you only need to query with the right order. 然后,您只需要以正确的顺序进行查询。

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