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[英]Add new elements to a javascript object dynamically

I'm trying to do a page with HTML and JQuery. 我正在尝试使用HTML和JQuery创建页面。 What I want to do with this is typing an e-mail in a textbox and when a button is pressed, add him to an object, and show the new e-mail added and the ones already sent. 我要执行的操作是在文本框中键入电子邮件,然后按按钮,将其添加到对象中,并显示添加的新电子邮件和已发送的电子邮件。 My problem is that the new e-mail replace the one I had, It's not added after it. 我的问题是,新电子邮件替换了我的电子邮件,之后没有添加。 How can I solve it? 我该如何解决?

Here's my code 这是我的代码

enter code here

    <script src="config/jquery-1.8.3.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
        var obj = {};

                var correo_val = $('#correoe').val();
                var estrc = /^([\w-\.]+@([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]{2,4})?$/;

                if(correo_val == ''){
                    alert("Debes agregar un correo");
                else if(!estrc.test(correo_val)){
                    alert("Correo no valido");
                else if(estrc.test(correo_val)){
                    alert("Correo agregado exitosamente");
                        arr = [];
                        // obj=arr;
                        obj2 = {};
                        obj2 = arr;
                        obj = obj2;


                        obj2 = {};
                        obj = obj2;



        <table style='margin-top:10%' align='center'>
            <tr> <td> Ingresar correo electr&oacutenico                    </td> </tr>
            <tr> <td> <input type='text' name='correoe' id='correoe'>                  </td> </tr>
            <tr> <td> <input type='button' name='agregar' value='agregar' id='agr'> </td> </tr>

    <div style="background:#FFFFFF;border:0" class="box" id="LCriterios">
        <h1><span id="field"></span><span style="float:right;"></span></h1>
        <!--<label><span>Tipo de operaci&oacuten</b></span><select class='opSelect' name='selOp' id='selOp'></select></label>
        <label id='selCriterio'></label>
        <label style="height: 30px;"><input type="button" class="btAgregar" value="Agregar" id="btn_add"/></label>-->
        <label id="label12">Correos electr&oacutenicos </label>
        <div id='listac'></div>


I've just made a Fiddle with one adjustment of your javascript - 我只是做了一个小提琴与你的JavaScript的一个调整-

                    arr = []; //  <-- move this to the first line where
                              // you already have var obj = {};

Move the arr = []; 移动arr = []; that you use to store the valid emails from this if() clause to the first line of your code where you also declared var obj = {}; 您用来将有效的电子邮件从该if()子句存储到代码的第一行的地方,在该行中您还声明了var obj = {}; . Otherwise arr = []; 否则arr = []; will be an empty array every time before you add another email and always have only one element (the last email that was added). 每次添加另一封电子邮件之前,它将为一个空数组,并且始终只有一个元素(添加的最后一封电子邮件)。

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