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[英]We have a basic login function that logs in, but then it abruptly goes back to the login screen again

So why does it go back to the login screen again? 那么,为什么又回到登录屏幕呢? what have we missed here? 我们在这里错过了什么?

user: admin 用户:admin

pass: 1234 通过:1234

so we have a simple login solution (I know pass and user will be visible in the source but this is just a school project to learn php so it doesn't really matter for us in this case.) 所以我们有一个简单的登录解决方案(我知道pass和user在源代码中都是可见的,但这只是一个学习php的学校项目,因此在这种情况下对我们来说并不重要。)

this is the relevant code: 这是相关代码:

    var usr ='admin';
    var psw = '1234';
    var loggedIn=false;

    function loggaIn() {
        if ( ($('#idUser').val()== usr) && ( $('#idPsw').val()== psw ) )

            alert ("Incorrect username and/or password!")   

    function loggaut() {


    <input type="text" id="idUser" placeholder="Username">
    <input type="text" id="idPsw" placeholder="Password">
    <button onclick="loggaIn()" class="pure-button pure-button-primary">Log in</button>

Any tips or help towards finding a solution would be much appreciated 任何提示或寻求解决方案的帮助将不胜感激

You are doing it wrong. 你做错了。 Such credentials should never be tested in JS code. 此类凭据永远不应在JS代码中进行测试。 It is harmful. 这是有害的。 I totally agree with @void. 我完全同意@void。

POST your username/password to PHP & then decide whether to display inner page or redirect back to login again. 将您的用户名/密码发布到PHP,然后决定是显示内部页面还是重定向回再次登录。

You should learn how to manage login/session using PHP. 您应该学习如何使用PHP管理登录/会话。 Here is good resource for you: http://www.sitepoint.com/users-php-sessions-mysql/ 这是为您提供的很好的资源: http : //www.sitepoint.com/users-php-sessions-mysql/


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