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[英]Manipulating the html elements inside the view which is inside the src of iframe

I have an iframe inside a view and in the src of the iframe I am rendering another view. 我在视图内有一个iframe,在iframe的src中,我正在渲染另一个视图。 Now I want to get the data of header h2 which is having some id and is present inside the second view rendered inside the src of the iframe. 现在,我想获取标头h2的数据,该标头具有一些ID,并存在于iframe的src内部呈现的第二个视图中。 Please help me out with your ideas and suggestions 请帮我解决您的想法和建议

Examples to access your iframe document: 访问iframe文档的示例:

var frame = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[0].contentDocument; // first iframe in page
// or
var frame = window.frames["myFrame"].document; // if your frame has the name "myFrame"
// or
var frame = document.getElementById('myFrame').contentWindow.document; // if your frame has the id "myFrame"

Then you can access your H2 tag inside the iframe with: 然后,您可以使用以下方法在iframe中访问H2标签:

 var h2 = frame.getElementsByTagName("h2")[0];

jQuery solution: jQuery解决方案:

 var frame = $("selector").contents(); // where selector is "#myFrameID" or ".myFrameClass", etc...
 var h2 = frame.find("h2");

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