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[英]Behaviour of last-child

Why is the last p not highlighted? 为什么最后一个p没有突出显示?

w3schools says: w3schools说:

Specify a background color for the p element that is the last child of its parent 为p元素指定背景颜色,该元素是其父元素的最后一个子元素

So the last p should be highlighted right? 那么最后一个p应该突出显示吗?

div p:last-child {
    background: #ff0000;

  <p>The first paragraph.</p>
  <p>The second paragraph.</p>
  <p>The third paragraph.</p>
  <p>The fourth paragraph.</p>
  <span>The first span.</span>

for you saying, use this - that is not my question: 对你说,用这个 - 这不是我的问题:

div p:last-of-type {...}

Last-child is not selecting what you're expecting it to select (You need last-of-type , instead). Last-child没有选择你期望它选择的东西(你需要last-of-type )。 The last-child property only applies to elements that are the last child element of their parent container. last-child属性仅适用于作为其父容器的最后一个子元素的元素。 In your case, span is the last-child : 在你的情况下, spanlast-child

    <p>The first paragraph.</p>
    <p>The second paragraph.</p>
    <p>The third paragraph.</p>
    <p>The fourth paragraph.</p>
    <span>The first span.</span> <!-- this <span> is the "last-child" -->

So the CSS selector p:last-child {} doesn't have anything to select, because it's looking for the last child of a container that is also a <p> element . 所以CSS选择器p:last-child {}没有要选择的东西,因为它正在寻找容器的最后一个子元素 ,它也是一个 <p> 元素 Here is a more concrete, real-world analogy: 这是一个更具体,真实世界的类比:

You have three children: 你有三个孩子:

  • Jack, aged 17 杰克,17岁
  • Susan, aged 14 苏珊,14岁
  • Alex, aged 10 亚历克斯,10岁

In markup, this looks like: 在标记中,这看起来像:


A blank :last-child {} selector will select Alex, because he's the last child you had. 一个空白:last-child {}选择器将选择Alex,因为他是你的最后一个孩子 However, you are trying to select the last child of a certain type, in this case we'll say their name is the type. 但是,您正在尝试选择某个类型的最后一个子节点,在这种情况下,我们会说他们的name是类型。 Susan:last-child , then, won't work, because even though Susan is the last of your children to be named Susan (eg to have type name of "Susan"), she's not the last child you've had. Susan:last-child那么, Susan:last-child将无法工作,因为即使Susan是你孩子的最后一个名字叫Susan (例如name为“Susan”),她也不是你的最后一个孩子。

If you use last-of-type instead, it will work, because the fourth p is the last-of-type p . 如果使用last-of-type ,它将起作用,因为第四个plast-of-type p

It's worth mentioning that W3Schools is an external resource. 值得一提的是,W3Schools是一种外部资源。 It isn't the official CSS documentation. 它不是官方的CSS文档。 The :last-child pseudo-class is defined in the CSS Selectors specification here: http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/#last-child-pseudo . :last-child伪类在CSS Selectors规范中定义: http//www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/#last-child-pseudo This specification states: 该规范规定:

The :last-child pseudo-class represents an element that is the last child of some other element. :last-child伪类表示一个元素,它是某个其他元素的最后一个子元素。

:last-child selects specifically the last child. :last-child具体选择最后一个孩子。 Here p:last-child would apply styling to a p element only if it is the last child. 这里p:last-child 只有在它是最后一个子元素时才会将样式应用于p元素。 In your case, span is the last child, not p , therefore there's nothing for your selector to select. 在您的情况下, span是最后一个子节点,而不是p ,因此您的选择器无法选择。

Example 1 例1


Here span is the last child, not p . 这里的span是最后一个孩子,而不是p p:last-child would not select anything. p:last-child不会选择任何东西。

Example 2 例2


Here p is the last child, so p:last-child would select the last p element (whose text here is "Baz.". 这里p 最后一个子节点,所以p:last-child将选择最后一个p元素(其文本为“Baz。”)。

This behaviour is exactly why the :last-of-type selector exists. 这种行为正是:last-of-type选择器存在的原因。 :first-child and :last-child will always only look select the first or last child. :first-child:last-child将始终只选择第一个或最后一个孩子。

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