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VBA Excel 2010:将值从字典插入新行

[英]VBA Excel 2010: Inserting values from dictionary into new row

I'm having trouble with some VBA for Excel 2010. I have a list of names that have different serial numbers associated with them. 我在使用某些VBA for Excel 2010时遇到了麻烦。我有一个名称列表,这些名称具有与之关联的不同序列号。 The following code will look at a name in column A, look it up in the names dictionary for an array of serial numbers associated with this name, and print out each number in a new column. 以下代码将查看A列中的名称,在名称字典中查找与此名称相关的序列号数组,并在新列中打印出每个数字。

Names Dictionary: 名称字典:

Names("Jane B") = [111112, 22222]

Output: 输出:

|Joe A   | 11111
|Jane B  | 111112|  22222 |
|Jim C   | 11111 | 121212 | 1122112

Code: 码:

Dim name, counter
For i = 2 To Worksheets("Contacts").UsedRange.Rows.Count
  name = Worksheets("Contact").Cells(i, 1)
  counter = 0
  If names.Exists(name) Then
    For Each serial In names(name)
      Worksheets("Contact").Cells(i, 2+counter).Value = serial
      counter = counter + 1
    Next serial
  End If
Next i

So far, so good. 到现在为止还挺好。 But the output format isn't good for inputting into Access. 但是输出格式不适用于输入Access。 Instead, I'd like to have the following format: 相反,我想采用以下格式:

|Joe A   | 11111
|Jane B  | 111112
|Jane B  | 22222
|Jim C   | 11111
|Jim C   | 121212
|Jim C   | 1122112

Here's my code: 这是我的代码:

Dim name, counter
For i = 2 To Worksheets("Contact").UsedRange.Rows.Count
  name= Worksheets("Contact").Cells(i, 1)
  counter = 0
  If names.Exists(name) Then
    For Each serial In names(name)
      Worksheets("Contact").Cells(i + counter, 2).Value = serial
      Worksheets("Contact").Cells(i + counter, 1).Value = name
      Worksheets("Contact").Cells(i + counter + 1, 1).EntireRow.Insert
      counter = counter + 1
    Next serial
  End If
Next i

This is where I run into a problem. 这是我遇到问题的地方。 My output looks like this: 我的输出如下所示:

|Joe A   | 11111
|Joe A   | 1700
|Joe A   | 1700
|Joe A   | 1700
|Joe A   | 1700
|Joe A   | 1700
|Joe A   | 1700

While the numbers are all made up, the 1700 output is actually what is outputting, although that doesn't relate to any serial number (???). 虽然所有数字都组成了,但实际上输出的是1700,尽管这与任何序列号(???)都不相关。

Can anyone spot what's off in my code? 谁能发现我代码中的错误?

Thank you all for your time and consideration. 谢谢大家的时间和考虑。

With gratitude, 带着感激之情,

Zac 扎克

Try this: Use a new sheet (example: "NewContactSheet"). 尝试以下操作:使用新的工作表(例如:“ NewContactSheet”)。 Instead of inserting rows to the current contact sheet, which makes you insert a row then scan the next row (the one you just inserted) and insert it again and again. 不必在当前的联系表中插入行,而是先插入一行,然后扫描下一行(刚插入的行),然后一次又一次地插入。

Then scan the contact sheet one row at a time, and compare to the dictionary exactly as you are. 然后一次一次扫描联系表,并与您的字典完全一样。 Then, one serial at a time per Name, you add cell 1 and 2 on the new sheet and increment the row. 然后,每个名称一次一个序列,您在新工作表上添加单元格1和2,并增加行。

Without the dictionary to test with, and based on the original post saying "So far so good"... 没有字典可以测试,并且基于原始帖子说“到目前为止很好” ...

Sub SerialNameMover()

Dim name As String
Dim counter As Integer
Dim lastContactRow As Integer
Dim newSheet As String
Dim nRow As Integer
Dim i As Integer

newSheet = "NewContactSheet"
nRow = 2
lastContactRow = Worksheets("Contact").UsedRange.Rows.Count

For i = 2 To lastContactRow
  name = Sheets("Contact").Cells(i, 1)

  If Names.Exists(name) Then
    For Each serial In Names(name)

      Sheets(newSheet).Cells(nRow, 1) = name
      Sheets(newSheet).Cells(nRow, 2) = serial
      nRow = nRow + 1

    Next serial
  End If
Next i

End Sub

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