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在启用沙箱的OSX 10.10上创建应用程序默认处理程序

[英]Making App default handler on OSX 10.10 with sandbox enabled

I wasn't able to find anything online about this, but LSSetDefaultHandlerForURLScheme will return -54 when the sandbox is enabled. 我无法在网上找到任何关于此的信息,但是当启用沙箱时,LSSetDefaultHandlerForURLScheme将返回-54。 I'm not sure what entitlement needs to be turned on for this to work as it does without the sandbox on. 我不确定需要启用什么权利才能使用它,因为它没有启用沙箱。

To see this in effect, create a new project with this in the appdelegate: 要查看此效果,请在appdelegate中使用此项创建一个新项目:

-(void)applicationWillFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)notification {
    // Become default handler
    CFStringRef bundleID = (CFStringRef)CFBridgingRetain([[NSBundle mainBundle] bundleIdentifier]);
    OSStatus result = LSSetDefaultHandlerForURLScheme(CFSTR("maxel"), bundleID);
    if (result != 0) {

It will work. 它会工作。 Next turn on sandbox. 接下来打开沙箱。 It will fail with -54 in result. 它将失败,结果为-54。

Built on OSX 10.10 Yosemite. 建立在OSX 10.10 Yosemite上。 Anyone else run into this? 其他人遇到这个?

According to Apple's developer forums, you can't do this anymore in the sandbox--the behavior you are seeing is expected. 根据Apple的开发人员论坛,你不能再在沙盒中这样做 - 你所看到的行为是预期的。 It's really aggravating, because no alternative API exists to implement this functionality, short of stepping outside of the sandbox. 这真的很恶心,因为没有替代API来实现这个功能,而不是走出沙箱。

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