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Yii 1.1.14访问控制指定动作

[英]Yii 1.1.14 access control specify actions

I want to apply accessControl filter to all actions in a controller except two , 我想将accessControl过滤器应用于控制器中除两个之外的所有操作,

so if i apply [-] as written in code, will that be okay.? 因此,如果我将[-]应用为代码编写的形式,那可以吗?

public function filters(){
    return array(
        'accessControl - actionId1, actionId2',

Or there is some error in the code, and i do it in some other way? 还是代码中有错误,而我以其他方式做到了?

This will work but you should use 这将起作用,但是您应该使用

'actions'=>array('actionId1', 'actionId2'),

in the acessRules() For the actions for which you do not want any rule acessRules()中,对于不需要任何规则的操作

Note:- 'users'=>array('*') provides access to these actions to all the users 注意:- 'users'=>array('*')为所有用户提供对这些操作的访问

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