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[英]Trouble with enum constructor in Java

I am unsure if the enum Family is in the correct position, however I get the same errors weather it is inside or outside my main class. 我不确定枚举Family是否处于正确的位置,但是无论在主类内部还是外部,我都会遇到相同的错误。 These enums; 这些枚举; WILMA, FRED, BETTY, & BARNEY will provide the data to calculate their retirement savings. WILMA,FRED,BETTY和BARNEY将提供数据以计算其退休储蓄。

public class Assignment5

    enum Family
        WILMA("Wilma", "Flintstone", 5000, 0.05, 10, 35),
        FRED("Fred", "Flintstone", 15000, 0.075, 7, 30), //fred might swap with betty 
        BETTY("Betty", "Rubble", 7500, 0.0375, 10, 25), 
        BARNEY("Barney", "Rubble", 5000, 0.09, 10, 35),

        //The properties’ “getters”/accessors should go here.

        //instance fields
        private final String firstName; //first names
        private final String lastName; //last names
        private final int annualDeposit; //annual deposit
        private final double annualRate; //annual rate
        private final int yearsDeposit; //number of years depositing
        private final int yearsCalc; //number of years to compound

        //enum family constructor
        Assignment5(String firstName, String lastName, int annualDeposit, double annualRate, int   yearsDeposit, int yearsCalc)
            this.firstName = firstName;
            this.lastName = lastName;
            this.annualDeposit = annualDeposit;
            this.annualRate = annualRate;
            this.yearsDeposit = yearsDeposit;
            this.yearsCalc = yearsCalc;

        //getter for firstName
        public String getFirstName()
            return firstName;

        //getter for lastName
        public String getLastName()
            return lastName;

        //getter for annual deposit
        public int getAnnualDeposit()
            return annualDeposit;

        //getter for annual rate
        public double getAnnualRate()
            return annualRate;

        //getter for years deposit
        public int getYearsDeposit()
            return yearsDeposit;

        //getter for years calc
        public int getYearsCalc()
            return yearsCalc;

        //main method
        //formulas for calculating retirement account and printing results will go here
        public static void main(String[] args)



To create an enum with parameters you should use a suitable constructor. 要使用参数创建enum ,应使用合适的构造函数。 In your case change your enum to this: 在您的情况下,将您的枚举更改为:

enum Family
    WILMA("Wilma", "Flintstone", 5000, 0.05, 10, 35),
    FRED("Fred", "Flintstone", 15000, 0.075, 7, 30), //fred might swap with betty 
    BETTY("Betty", "Rubble", 7500, 0.0375, 10, 25), 
    BARNEY("Barney", "Rubble", 5000, 0.09, 10, 35);
    //instance fields
    private final String firstName; //first names
    private final String lastName; //last names
    private final int annualDeposit; //annual deposit
    private final double annualRate; //annual rate
    private final int yearsDeposit; //number of years depositing
    private final int yearsCalc; //number of years to compound

    Family(String firstName, String lastName, int annualDeposit, double annualRate, int   yearsDeposit, int yearsCalc)
        this.firstName = firstName;
        this.lastName = lastName;
        this.annualDeposit = annualDeposit;
        this.annualRate = annualRate;
        this.yearsDeposit = yearsDeposit;
        this.yearsCalc = yearsCalc;

Seems to me like it would make more sense to define a class 'person' rather than an enum 'family'. 在我看来,定义一个类“人”而不是一个枚举“家庭”似乎更有意义。 Enums are better suited to define constants that belong in a cohesive package and may have values that are unlikely to change. 枚举更适合定义内聚包中的常数,并且可能具有不大可能改变的值。

Therefore creating a class instance for each individual is more logical because you can design your program to interact with the class type rather than predefined constants. 因此,为每个人创建一个类实例更合乎逻辑,因为您可以将程序设计为与类类型进行交互,而不是与预定义常量进行交互。 To keep things modular etc. 使事物保持模块化等

Person class: 人类:

public class Person {

    //instance fields
    private final String firstName; //first names
    private final String lastName; //last names
    private final int annualDeposit; //annual deposit
    private final double annualRate; //annual rate
    private final int yearsDeposit; //number of years depositing
    private final int yearsCalc; //number of years to compound

    public Person(String firstName, String lastName, int annualDeposit, double annualRate, int   yearsDeposit, int yearsCalc)
        this.firstName = firstName;
        this.lastName = lastName;
        this.annualDeposit = annualDeposit;
        this.annualRate = annualRate;
        this.yearsDeposit = yearsDeposit;
        this.yearsCalc = yearsCalc;

    //getter for firstName
    public String getFirstName()
        return firstName;

    //getter for lastName
    public String getLastName()
        return lastName;

    //getter for annual deposit
    public int getAnnualDeposit()
        return annualDeposit;

    //getter for annual rate
    public double getAnnualRate()
        return annualRate;

    //getter for years deposit
    public int getYearsDeposit()
        return yearsDeposit;

    //getter for years calc
    public int getYearsCalc()
        return yearsCalc;

Then in your main function you can directly declare a person and do your desired calculations etc., without the program needing to be hard-coded to interact with your enum structure. 然后,在您的主要函数中,您可以直接声明一个人并进行所需的计算等,而无需对该程序进行硬编码以与您的枚举结构进行交互。

Main function: 主功能:

public class main {

public static void main(String[] args) {
        Person wilma = new Person("Wilma", "Flintstone", 5000, 0.05, 10, 35);


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