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AngularJS jasmine isolateScope()返回undefined

[英]AngularJS jasmine isolateScope() returns undefined

I'm expecting to get something from isolated scope out of my help-button directive. 我期待从我的help-button指令中获取隔离范围内的内容。

  it('should contain proper scope, depending on attributes', function() {

        var el = compile('<help-button context-id="1"></help-button>')(scope);

        console.log("el: " + el);
        console.log('Isolated scope: ' + el.isolateScope());

-- before each test it does - 在每次测试之前

beforeEach(inject(function($compile, $rootScope, $injector) {

    compile = $compile;
    scope = $rootScope.$new(); ...

it prints: 它打印:

'el: [Object Object]'
'Isolated scope: undefined'

The question is: why I'm getting back undefined ? 问题是:为什么我要回来未定义 Even if there is nothing in isolated scope, it still should be empty {} object. 即使在隔离范围内没有任何内容,它仍然应该是空的{}对象。 But anyway - the test is wrong - it does not show the isolated scope which (in real) contains data in there. 但无论如何 - 测试是错误的 - 它没有显示那里(实际上)包含数据的孤立范围。

I'm stupid. 我真笨。

But will reply to my own question because "a stupid is as stupid does" - ie may be one once would do the same (or for myself from the future). 但是会回答我自己的问题,因为“愚蠢是愚蠢的” - 也就是说,可能是一次会做同样的事情(或者对未来的我自己)。

The problem was in my helpbutton.html which my directive is using (which I did not show/mention in this question). 问题出在我的指令正在使用的helpbutton.html中(我在这个问题中没有显示/提及)。

So that templateUrl were referring to helpbutton.html file that is supposed to be compiled to html properly. 所以templateUrl指的是应该正确编译为html的helpbutton.html文件。

Once I looked at el.html() 's output I got that it was not properly rendered (there were some missing tag or something). 一旦我看了el.html()的输出,我得到它没有正确渲染(有一些遗失的标签或东西)。

Thant's why I could not get any scope from the element . Thant是我无法从element获得任何scope的原因。

(though would be nice to have some kind of exception on the log if a template was not rendered properly to html) (如果模板没有正确呈现给html,那么在日志上有一些异常会很好)

Just bumped into the same problem, but with a different cause. 刚碰到同样的问题,但原因不同。 Just in case anyone else has the same issue, and this is probably really obvious once you've seen it before, but still. 以防其他人有同样的问题,一旦你以前见过它,这可能是非常明显的,但仍然如此。

If you are using a templateUrl, then the .isolateScope() function will return undefined until you've actually called .$digest and $httpBackend.flush(); 如果您使用的是templateUrl,那么.isolateScope()函数将返回undefined,直到您实际调用。$ digest和$ httpBackend.flush();

When you use a template directly from the directive, it will be available the moment you do $compile(element)(scope). 当您直接使用指令中的模板时,它会在您执行$ compile(element)(范围)时可用。

This can come as a surprise if you've just changed a directive to use a templateUrl, or changed it from regular to isolateScope. 如果您刚刚更改了指令以使用templateUrl,或者将其从regular更改为isolateScope,则会出现意外情况。

        responseHtml = '<div></div>';
        $httpBackend.expectGET('template.html').respond(200, responseHtml);

        var html = '<widget></widget>';
        element = angular.element(html);
        var compiled = $compile(element)(scope);

        console.log(element.isolateScope()); // undefined


        console.log(element.isolateScope()); // undefined


        console.log(element.isolateScope()); // now it will be available

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