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[英]Xcode: Autolayout not working correctly

I've got this weird bug in my application. 我的应用程序中有这个奇怪的错误。 When I load up my app on the simulator or an iDevice and I go to the pageControl page the layout is doing weird things. 当我在模拟器或iDevice上加载我的应用程序并转到pageControl页面时,布局正在做一些奇怪的事情。

I use the pagecontrol pages for a calendar view, so if I load it up I see this 我将pagecontrol页面用于日历视图,因此,如果加载它,我会看到


That's all good, but when I scroll down (or up) the layout changes a bit 很好,但是当我向下(或向上)滚动时,布局会有所变化


If the scrolling is done and I'm on the next page the layout readjust itself and is then in it's good state 如果滚动完成并且我在下一页上,则布局会重新调整自身,然后处于良好状态


So I don't know where this has gone wrong but of someone knows I would be very grateful! 所以我不知道哪里出了问题,但是有人知道我会非常感激! I'm using auto-layout in this page and on every simulator size I get this same problem. 我在此页面中使用自动布局,在每种模拟器尺寸下,我都会遇到同样的问题。


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