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[英]Pass Arraylist of objects in another activity

I am trying to send an array list of objects in another activity. 我正在尝试在另一个活动中发送对象的数组列表。 I have checked many articles on this topic and i am using parcelable but i am stuck at point where i cannot send the object.I have tried many things.This is the thing i am trying. 我已经检查了很多关于该主题的文章,并且我使用的是包裹式包裹,但是我无法发送对象。我尝试了很多事情。这就是我正在尝试的事情。

public class ParcalableForm implements Parcelable {

private ArrayList<form> from;

public ParcalableForm (ArrayList<form> choices) {
    this.from = choices;

public ParcalableForm (Parcel parcel) {
    this.from = parcel.readArrayList(null);

public int describeContents() {
    return 0;

// Required method to write to Parcel
public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {

// Method to recreate a Question from a Parcel
public static Creator<ParcalableForm> CREATOR = new Creator<ParcalableForm>() {

    public ParcalableForm createFromParcel(Parcel source) {
        return new ParcalableForm(source);

    public ParcalableForm[] newArray(int size) {
        return new ParcalableForm[size];


} }

This is the parcelable class that implements Parcelable.I am trying to send Arraylist of form to another activity. 这是实现Parcelable的parcelable类。我正在尝试将表单的Arraylist发送到另一个活动。

  Intent i = new Intent(UserPage.this,Form.class);

  Bundle extras = new Bundle();
  System.out.println("I found a form :- ");
  ParcalableForm p=new ParcalableForm(f1.attr);
  i.putExtra("geopoints", p);

This is the class which is sending the object to the other activity. 这是将对象发送到其他活动的类。

Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras();
ParcalableForm po =  new ParcalableForm(extras.getParcelableArrayList("geopoints"));

This is the part where i don't know how to get the object/Arraylist.I have tried many methods but no luck.Any ideas? 这是我不知道如何获取对象/ Arraylist的部分。我尝试了很多方法,但是没有运气。有什么想法吗?

Pass Data to anther activity 将数据传递到花药活动

 ArrayList<Animal> animals = new ArrayList<Animal>();
//fill your list with animals here

i.putExtra("animals", animals);

Receiving this data 接收数据

ArrayList<Animal> animals = (ArrayList<Animal>) getIntent()

If what you want is to pass ArrayList<Form> , then use getParcelableArrayListExtra for this. 如果要传递ArrayList<Form> ,则使用getParcelableArrayListExtra
Generally, follow these steps : 通常,请按照下列步骤操作:

  • Make your Form class properly implement Parcelable 使您的Form类正确实现Parcelable
  • In activity sending intent : 在活动中发送意图:

    // ArrayList<Form> myList - data to send; intent.putParcelableArrayListExtra("geopoints", myList);

  • In receiving activity : 在接收活动中:

    ArrayList<Form> myReceivedList = getIntent().getParcelableArrayListExtra("geopoints");

And don't forget null/sanity checks. 并且不要忘记null /健全性检查。

Hope that helps 希望能有所帮助

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