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[英]BizTalk Mutiple Host Instance Affecting Each other

I'm very new to BizTalk. 我是BizTalk的新手。 I have a problem here: 我在这里有一个问题: 在此处输入图片说明

Both PC12-4 and PC12-0 are working on the same project at the same time. PC12-4和PC12-0都同时在同一个项目上工作。 If they change code and do test at the same time, the result will be affected by each other. 如果他们同时更改代码并进行测试,则结果将相互影响。 From http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa561042.aspx I noticed that it's not recommended to have multiple host instances in one host. http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/aa561042.aspx中,我注意到不建议在一个主机中包含多个主机实例。

I wonder is there any way to allow the result not affected? 我想知道有什么方法可以使结果不受影响吗? The aim is for multiple people working and testing the same program at the same time. 目的是让多个人同时工作和测试同一程序。 Because we finished one part of the application and the users want to test it now while we are doing the second part. 因为我们完成了应用程序的一部分,而用户希望在我们进行第二部分时立即对其进行测试。 The users test results are affected by our new changes. 用户测试结果受我们新更改的影响。

Many thanks! 非常感谢!

If I interpret you situation correctly, the problem is not with the Host/Instance configuration, rather, what you are trying to do, use PC12-4 and PC12-0 for the same project but different purposes, DEV and TEST, is not supported. 如果我正确地解释了您的情况,则问题不在于主机/实例配置,而是您要尝试执行的操作,将PC12-4和PC12-0用于同一项目,但不支持 DEV和TEST等不同目的

Meaning, you can't have different versions of the same app installed on two different servers in the same Group . 意思是,您不能在同一Group的两台不同服务器上安装同一应用程序的不同版本。 There is no way around this and there is no way to make it work in the way you want. 无法解决此问题,也无法使其以您想要的方式工作。 Sorry. 抱歉。

What you need to do is split PC12-4 and PC12-0 into two separate BizTalk Groups , meaning two separate sets of SQL Server databases in two separate instances of SQL Server. 您需要做的是将PC12-4和PC12-0分成两个单独的BizTalk组 ,这意味着在两个单独的SQL Server实例中分别有两个单独的SQL Server数据库集。 One Group for DEV and the other for user TEST. 一组用于DEV,另一组用于用户TEST。

But, even then, you may still have problems because multiple developers sharing a single BizTalk Group/Server is not workable scenario. 但是,即使那样,您仍然可能会遇到问题,因为多个开发人员共享一个BizTalk组/服务器是不可行的。 Each developer should have their own full stack, Windows, SQL Server, BizTalk Server and Visual Studio. 每个开发人员应拥有自己的完整堆栈,Windows,SQL Server,BizTalk Server和Visual Studio。 The best way to achieve this is dedicated developer VM's. 实现此目标的最佳方法是专用的开发人员VM。

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